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Everything posted by clementines

  1. clementines

    Song vs. Song

    burning desire vs wildflower wildfire
  2. i hope she renamed the album to something that has to do with thunder it’s so good especially with the idea of revenge
  3. literally does anything but talk about music
  4. clementines


    oh wow y’all are right that’s stunning
  5. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    i just bought the after school EP vinyl and im so excited, I REALLY love that EP
  6. clementines


    what is the alt cover?
  7. clementines


    song is a grower i can’t stop playing it
  8. her album has been on repeat for me since it leaked tbh
  9. clementines


    it's a cute song, not her best but it's good for the summer it's super similar to MAC lyrically and the part where she talks is very "think ab it the darkness the deepness"
  10. clementines

    Doja Cat

    she had so much content for this cover and picked that???
  11. THE VIDEO IS SO GOOD that HW shirt is kinda ridiculous tho
  12. clementines


  13. i wonder if cotcc was unfinished bc Jack went and worked with Lorde and Taylor rather than giving Lana the time to finish her record...not surprised he isn't involved in this album
  14. i love the highlights she has rn, hope she serves HAIR and FACE on the album cover
  15. man i met jack and honestly he was so rude/mean to me and other fans who were extremely kind to him
  16. she deleted the best selfie she’s taken in years
  17. she just posted such good pics not her deleting the knife selfie
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