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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Not sure what you are talking about since OTTR is the second song on the album and the 2nd best is VG.
  2. Ok, Idk how to decide after listening to UV for a while now. BTD had great, outstanding moments. Tracks 1-4 and SS are songs possibly most artists in pop music would kill for. These 5 tracks alone catapult the album into a pop classic. I have also loved Radio and DMD cause they took out the seriousness and they were nice and slightly upbeat (DMD def more than Radio) and they were really needed on that album. Hell, I have even learned to live with DP which was quite terrible for the longest time I have lived with the album. I really, really loathe Carmen and MDM will all my heart, cliché and terrible, the faux emotion songs. These two songs have totally killed the flow of the album for me. I can tolerate TIWMUG which is just a silly girlish pseudo anthem, but it closes the album suprisingly nice. Never cared for the bonus tracks on BTD and never will. Ultraviolence is musically more up to my alley than BTD. It is way easier for me to listen to the album from start to finish. However just like with BTD, the weaker tracks are all packed in the middle. SG, PWYC and MPG. Especially the latter would have benefited from a better edit / mix. It just doesn't go anywhere for me. UV does not have the strengths of BTD in terms of superior songs. Brooklyn Baby, SOC and WC are for sure the standouts, Brooklyn Baby remains the best song on the album. I will be pretty pissed if they don't edit the song to 4 or 4 and a half minutes and make it a single. It is probably the best song she has put on a record so far. Lyrically there are a few missteps here and there, but not as much as on BTD. While her voice is stronger on UV, she dabbles too often into jazz attemps with DADABIDABADADADOOOOOO JADALALALA,, which I am not too keen on. The biggest suprise this era are the amateurish visuals. The artwork, the videos, like WTF Lana? It does not have to be expensive, but put some effort into it. All together, while BTD will always have a special place in my heart, the memories I have with this album and the fact that it was such an event, which you can hardly find in popmusic anymore, UV as a whole is the stronger album. I am excited to see where she is heading next. Hopefully, she won't repeat herself musically. I have given up hope that she will change the lyrical content though
  3. Mediatraffic is also unreliable, but of course she is way closer to 356k that 880k. Just a little bit of numbers: 182k (USA) + 48k (UK) + 21k (Can) +20k (Fra) + 15k (Aus) +2k (Jap) = 288k. These were the countries where we have the numbers. However, in these 288k are not listed Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands Austria, Switzerland, South & Latin America, Russia, Poland, Spain, New Zealand, Asia (besides Japan), and Scandinavia. So it is very unlikely that she sold less than 70k in the ciuntries that very not mentioned first.
  4. Or she was watching the kind of music that boys actually make on www.men.com
  5. Still that number is impossible. Here her numbers for the biggest markets (and estimations) US: 182k UK: 48k Japan: round 1k Germany: round 20k Canada: 21 k Australia: 15k France: 20k These are the biggest markers where she has sold round 330k. Where the hell and on how many planets did she sell another 530k? No way.
  6. LOL: Billboard is US only. And these sales were for Beyonce in the US in that week, also not worldwide
  7. The deluxe version has it sadly. Totally kills the flow of the alberm.
  8. Sorry, but no. It only sold 20k in France and probably another 20k in Germany. She hasn't sold 500k in the rest of the world.
  9. She is obviously totally going for Austin Mahone now since Barrie is out of their way, just watch
  10. SInce when gives Q ten stars points? The last time I have looked them up for reviews they had 5 max. It's probably 4 / 5
  11. HDD is the building chart, not the offical one after the Nielsen Soundscan numbers come in released by Billboard. A few weeks ago, Michael Jackson was ahead of The Black Keys after the final results on HDD, but he was No. 2 on the official Top 200 released by Billboard a day later.
  12. She is not. The numbers are still not in. Billboard will announce the number one on Wednesday.
  13. I get yours, too. BUT we simply don't live in that time and age any longer and especially artists know that too damn well. I also find it disrespectful that Sky and Lorde had to join in since it it is not their business at all.. I mean, it won't effect my personal preferences towards these artists since I will still like Sky and loathe the other one.
  14. Well, actually these people who feel the need to express their opinion, regardless if good or bad, are also settting themselves up to be judged by their past or present. That's why they are public figures and they have chosen their path. And I am sure that everybody who posts on social media and is eventually siding with one party or the other is perfectly informed about this. Social media was not invented yesterday.
  15. When you state your opinion in public, you should be prepared for the lashes to come and everybody is free to get you these days. If that makes you sick, you should take a time travel when media did not exist, especially not Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
  16. While this should not be taken too far away from the actual topic (although it is part of the discussion since other people are gettin involved in this), I really don't get her need to comment on this. She really tries too hard to put herself way apart from Lana and hell, she is 17. She has no clue where she will be in 10 or 12 years. It's not her business. Full stop.
  17. I honestly don't know why this kid called Borde is so interested in being involved with this. She seems so bitter. It's obvious that she is not above this.and that Lana can let out a single moan and still gets more attention than her. She recently also felt the need to "clock" a fan by telling him that she is not going to play gigs for little money anymore since she is a Grammy winner now. Like wow Lorde, has it come that far that you even have to remind your own fans that you have won Grammies? Lana has handeled this in a classy way. Responded to Kurt's daughter and explained it. Not that she needed to, but she did.
  18. After West Coast, the title track or Brooklyn Baby should be the next single. Shades, is one of my favourite tracks on the album, but I don't think it's a great promo or even 2nd single choice considering the jazz influence and the heavy guitar towards the end. The title track is close to her previous material, but it's really not a song for the summer however. Suprised she is going for a video for Pretty When You Cry. That song has really no potential to promote the album outside of the Lana fanbase, who already has or will buy the album soon. Money Power Glory, maybe with a slighlty different mix could work, Black Beauty is a bit unlikely to become a single, but maybe she'll give it a try. At least, it's way more accesible that PWYC. Florida Kilos is not single material at all. Watch Lana releasing TOW as a single
  19. She won't even have 1/3 of her sales in the first week in the UK. BTD opened up with 117k and had 50k after the first day of release. UV has sold 20k +. This is a HUGE drop. And be careful with these predictions ins the US. ARTPOP was predicted to open up with 375-400k. And it got 260k. This era won't be nowhere near in terms of commercial success. And it does not help that she is cancelling every promo possible for whatever reason. I hope she gets better soon.
  20. I am sure that the review that matters the most is from Billboard. Who still reads Pitchfart anyway? Have they reviewed Austin Mahone's latest EP? I don't think so!
  21. I am not even sure that Pitchfork will even review the album. Second of all, even when the magazine allows a known hater to review the album, then it's politics. When they give her the record to write about it, they know what's coming, but they also know that with such a review they will get those clicks on their homepage and that's what in many cases music journalism has come down to. Pitchfork is not immune to this.
  22. It is basically all the same. Reviews from the UK will mostly give a high rating. reviews from the States will be lukewarm at best. The one reviewer who gave her 2/5 should really be fired. Not because he gave her a negative review, but what he has written is utterly vile. Reviews can be harsh when it's needed, but bringing in rape into the review is so pathetic and offensive. America never fails to amaze me. In a country when it's obviously okay to have cream titties as promo for your alberm and run around half naked since swimming over from the Carribean is obviously totally ok, too (and that's how it should be), but when you express the desire for a strong male in your life, you get trashed and called a product.
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