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Bettie Page

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Everything posted by Bettie Page

  1. Wdym it's her sisters design? It's a photo of Sylvia
  2. It's the anniversary of Sylvia's death
  3. It's the anniversary of Sylvia's death
  4. Yeah I wasnt sure either, after I read it I was questioning it, but it does seem fake
  5. His manifesto- https://archive.is/7jUsF Edit-pretty sure it's fake
  6. It's Bird World, not Burnt World Edit- Its at the 12 min mark, they talk about Bird World and say the name multiple times https://youtu.be/aBC-Nth7G-U?si=ACY6SrRwI3EEsGSS
  7. There's still time, but it being this close is pretty soul crushing
  8. i feel like i should delete my comments i shouldnt have posted it, i dont want to stress people out...
  9. yes thats why i dont want people freaking out over my reading, i did cleanse the cards and meditate but there is alwasy a chance they are wrong or fate changes
  10. i dont want to scare anyone, my cards could always be wrong or the fate could change but they are saying trump, im using the Grand Etteilla tarot deck so the card meanings are a little different than the normal tarot deck but its pointing to hopelessness
  11. idk if you guys want to know what my tarot cards predicted
  12. ive watched it twice now and when my husband gets home im going to make him watch it too i love Lana so much, her mannerisms and the way she speaks is so intriguing and Rob is such a sweetheart, i think ill buy his album Lost at Sea
  13. Bettie Page

    Addison Rae

    I can't wait to listen to her new song
  14. I highly recommend Chai Lattes, especially made with oat milk and vanilla syrup
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