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Serene Queen

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Everything posted by Serene Queen

  1. To be fair, some of these people have no choice beacuse of certain circumstances
  2. Serene Queen


    Love it, 3rd fav from LFL
  3. Serene Queen


    This cafe has taste lol
  4. I like it, not on par w HH but it’s not bad
  5. Banned for having such a small sig
  6. Welcome to the forum!!! Don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions!!!
  7. Honestly I just want a release date. Even if it’s October of 2020, I still just want a DATE
  8. I’m a Leo but I have a bunch of Cancer traits, even tho I’m nowhere near the cusp lol. My friend read a list of Leo traits and it was me to a T lol
  9. Omigod Norwegian Goat Cheese is the fucking best thing literally ever
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