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Serene Queen

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Everything posted by Serene Queen

  1. Why are you being such a jerk? It’s not necessary at all and tbh I’m surprised you spelled any of these words right. Internet trolls are almost always dumb. Congrats on being smart I guess…?
  2. Serene Queen

    Venice Bitch

    Reminds me of MTWBT with the random but pretty lyrics
  3. Serene Queen

    Venice Bitch

    Someon pico ittttt
  4. Don’t get me working, smoking is very aesthetically pleasing, but otherwise it’s gross
  5. Serene Queen

    This or That

    Lossless Netflix or Hulu
  6. I just love how one of her best songs has arguably her worst music video :party:
  7. The song is her best lead single but the video is boring
  8. This is gonna be her best album. Like UV is quaking
  9. Yeah nicki don’t deserve this publicity
  10. I think the next is either RBFY or Talking Like An Answering Machine cuz they both hav ekinda weid titles to go along with MAC
  11. True but she could be keeping it a secret or the other song could be a collab
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