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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. I doubt it. Music videos are planned almost a year in advance, especially if you hire a busy director such as Rich Lee. Love was recorded a couple of months after HM and was decided almost right away that it would be the lead single. The video was shot on the summer of 2016. LFL (the song) was finished in the same months and was planned as the second single. A third video directed by Rich Lee was planned from the start, most likely for BAR, but the track listing of the album was not final at the time and i believe Lana's team had not decided yet what the third single would be for sure. In order to have the video shot for a third single, they opted to tell a story without Lana singing, so any song could fit to the images. The BAR / WM video was shot in February or March, pretty much at the same time the song leaked. True, Love leaked and they rushed released the single, because they could not undo everything and plan from the start the whole marketing strategy of the album. ​I truly believe that the BAR leak pushed her to record more songs and thus, changing the initial sound of the record, making it a bit odd to have folksy and "simpler" songs like BAR and Yosemite on the same record as the heavy beats dominant on the first half of the album.
  2. Love the cover of LFL, but I agree that it was surely intended for a somewhat different track listing.
  3. Agreed!! I am not an insider whatsoever, but other labels tend to control so much more the creative process.
  4. I see Lana's albums as destinations she takes us upon, a journay in time as well. Each album is an experiment on its own, like visiting a different city or country. Each has its individuality,each reflects a certain period of her life. And I really enjoy that. I like where the snippet seems to take us, somewhere peaceful and introspective... I had a lot of expectations for LFL... I really thought it would be her "happy album". But when it came out, I was in a different mindset, realizing that the quest to happiness is a long and winding road. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that LFL had that similar mood to it. Maybe this is why I like it so much. I don't mind its diversity, its different genres all in one, and even that some songs are less poilished (Change for example), because it makes sense when you take the album as a whole.
  5. Ever since she released HM and LFL, the fan base has been divided. With the dawn of a new era upon us, I can't help but wonder if she can release an album that we will all be unanimous about, an album we will all love?
  6. May 26 was the date we all thought Lana was gonna release LFL. That date came from a website that announces all upcoming albums, but the post was taken down a couple of hours after we found out. It was weeks later that Ben, her manager, told the album would come out later in the summer or order to include more collaborations. Lana confirmed later that it would be released on July 21. I believe May 26 was a possible date for the album to come out and most likely the one that was planned all along, until Lana decided to go back to the record and add more songs. Either way, whether it was May 26 or July 21, Interscope most likely wanted to have a number 1 album, so it needed a date where no big artist released something on that same day.
  7. I agree. I suspect she will sing a part of it acapella on her last shows, kinda what she did with HM (the song) at the end of the Endless Summer Tour.
  8. UV was the most loved. Same with her big sister, BTD. ​HM divided (though people seem to enjoy that one more since baby sis LFL was born) and LFL divided furthermore. ​A broken family...
  9. I thought as first the song was a bit blah, but I let it sink in and I find beautiful. I believe Lana had a great idea, to bring someone to duet with her, to give the song more layers. Same with Tommorow Never Came.
  10. ah! LFL!!!! Some love you, some hate you, but I believe you were the most talked about of Lana's children.
  11. I agree with you for the most parts. Lana is such a blabber mouth: she talks about things but gets caught up with the politics of Interscope. From what I understand, her contract gives her a good lattitude when it comes to creation (she could go back to LFL a few times and add songs; not many music companies would have allowed that, from what I know from the music industry. She could also change producers for UV when the album was pretty much done), but she still has some obligations (to have a radio-friendly first single, to release the album on a strategic date so it has a chance to reach #1 on the charts). ​And I suspect more and more that our girl tends to underestimate the time needed to do some of her projets (looking at you, Cherry video). ​Life is Beautiful being cut from the movie and the soundtrack was not her decision, it was Lionsgate's, who now owns the rights to the song (unless the contract they signed says otherwise or unless she purchased the rights back).
  12. Honeymoon was released on Sept 18, on the last days of summer. And it really has that feeling, that summer is slowly going away. There are still hot days, but the sunlight is more golden. Honeymoon brilliantly captures that shift in the season. HBTB was the most summery song on that album, and she released it as a single in August. I really wouldn’t mind a spring release... But I must say that I have associated Lana with summer.
  13. I wonder what are the plans for the release dates for this album... She will surely release somewhere in the summer (her last three records have been summer releases). I don’t expect anything coming out before the end of the month (the tour takes a break on the 20th until June)... I remember that she said that she had wanted to begin to promote LFL by releasing Love in April, but the leak kinda forced her to do it faster, therefore explaining in part the long pre-release wait we had. Maybe a new single in May? Then again, I don’t know if it is an « Interscope thing », but Years and Years releases a single for their new album on March 7... and no words since on the release date or track listing. I prefered Honeymoon’s releases, which were closer in time.
  14. I wonder what are the plans for the release dates for this album... She will surely release somewhere in the summer (her last three records have been summer releases). I don’t expect anything coming out before the end of the month (the tour takes a break on the 20th until June)... I remember that she said that she had wanted to begin to promote LFL by releasing Love in April, but the leak kinda forced her to do it faster, therefore explaining in part the long pre-release wait we had. Maybe a new single in May? Then again, I don’t know if it is an « Interscope thing », but Years and Years releases a single for their new album on March 7... and no words since on the release date or track listing. I prefered Honeymoon’s releases, which were closer in time.
  15. I agree with you that the lyrics are not super profound on that track and on LFL (the song) as well. But I always thought that these two tracks were part of the album where she revisits her past, and she takes the point of view of a very young woman, therefore the simpler lyrics. But I don't know, maybe I am just seeing what I want to see and don't want to admit that Lana can be bad sometimes.
  16. Exactly! I hope the next one is going in another direction as well... Since Paradise, I love how each one sounds unique.
  17. Thanks for clearing that up! I got my singers mixed up :S
  18. YASSSSS!!!!! Love them! ​ https://www.standard...e-a3805811.html ​Don't know if he's talking of a solo project or the new Arctic Monkeys album (though it would not be a super good idea, to promote a solo album and a Arctic Monkeys one on the same year), but one song featuring Lana is on the way!!!
  19. I think Yosemite will be included. The songs of those record will be more hopeful, I think. Like the place she had first intended to be when LFL was finished. The LP could be the «into the blue» part of Get Free.
  20. My vision, when it comes to Lana and her music is this: I have always seen her as a vast tapestry of different genres and she loves to explore them. And I love that. She doesn't have a niche, she goes around from one album to the other. Each one has a solid and unique sound. And I am ready and curious to see how this one will play out, how it will connect and differ from the others. ​I love how when can't define what she does (pop? alternative? orchestral? dreamy? sadcore Hollywood? folksy? alt-rock? all of the above?) ​Expectations are often killing the joy we could get out of a new album.
  21. For every era, I loved the first video she put out, because it gave an idea of the vibe of the album. But I don't watch Lana's videos as much as I used to. I prefer new music over a new video. This is why I am happy she put aside Cherry to concentrate on something new. Sure, for the first two albums, her videos cemented her image and they were fantastic. ​I believe she wanted the LFL era to be this big stunning suite of videos (the aesthetics are killer, really, for the three of them, maybe not as compelling to watch after two minutes lol). But to work with a famous director requires a lot of time when it comes to editing those videos, and the music industry has changed: we are over an album much sooner than before. Many artists do what Lana does: they work hard for a video or two, promote (to a certain degree lol), go on tour (in order to get some cash in, since albums sales and streams are not big bucks anymore), and do it all over again after a year or two at the maximum.
  22. I'm afraid we will never get another UV. It was a really peculiar time of her life: she was super depressed that so many songs had been leaked, she wasn't sure she wanted to do music anymore. She said, months following the release of UV, that she had "gone too far", that she would not dwelve so much into those dark lyrics. Maybe this is why she might be telling Sylvia Plath's story on the Sylvia song, in order to give us a super sad song but that is not so much personal.I would take a retro-guitar driven album made of sexy songs about desire and such, though... This could be a nice "follow-up" to UV.
  23. I really enjoy her work with Rick Nowels. She is happy with him and it shows. But i must say that the Dan Heath ones are really much more cinematic and I love all of them. So here's hoping for something with Dan
  24. I am not crazy about Carmen. Maybe I have not given it enough chances, i don't know. Not super fan of the original version of Florida Kilos either (Tep No did an incredible tropical remix of the song that slays though). I know I will get stones thrown at me for saying this
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