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Everything posted by Mauri8396

  1. Going from latest to earliest buy: Yamantaka // Sonic Titan – UZU Charly García – Clics modernos Marina & the Diamonds – The Family Jewels Serú Girán – Bicicleta
  2. Mauri8396

    That is in fact the cover that shows up in the iTunes stores where it's up for pre-order.
  3. Mauri8396

    Charli XCX

    I basically trapped myself in 1977-1989 until I was like 14, so I take offense to that. Save for David Bowie and Duran Duran's latest albums, I only started actively following new releases after I joined LanaBoards.
  4. I started watching Sailor Moon a month ago. I'm nearly 30 episodes in and this has basically been my reaction: I'm not surprised I liked it, but that I liked it so f•cking much. In other news, my anime club's done for this semester, and I don't think we ended up finishing a single season of anything. By the way, does anyone have any favorite Watanabe show/movie you'd recommend? I'd heard of Cowboy Bebop and The Animatrix before, and once I heard a couple of songs from the Samurai Champloo soundtrack and found out all three productions were directed by the same person, I knew I had to look into his work.
  5. Mauri8396

    "Night Version" Reminds me of these. I wonder what they'll sound like…
  6. Mauri8396


    And to think I bought it on CD for $15
  7. Mauri8396


    You can get the first two at her bandcamp ('name your price') http://grimesmusic.bandcamp.com/
  8. Lorde – A World Alone [instrumental]
  9. You don't (as in can't) directly link to it. aand ditto for your other point.
  10. Mauri8396

    David Bowie

    *bump* Any thoughts on The Next Day Extra? Has anyone gotten it?
  11. Mauri8396

    Charli XCX

    Because they want to make it fit on a 7" single
  12. Mauri8396


    Not available in the US yet let the (brief) waiting begin…
  13. Mauri8396


    FYI, everyone– Lorde's going to be performing at the 'You Oughta Know' concert that starts in ~45 minutes. Stream: http://www.vh1.com/shows/events/you_oughta_know_in_concert/2013/
  14. I know. I figured out almost as much from the trailer tbh I just wanted to avoid getting to actual spoilers.
  15. I'm just going to butt in here for a second and say: …for the sake of anyone who wants to but still hasn't watched IRL. i can't be the only one in that group, right?
  16. Mauri8396


    I know, right! She's so down-to-earth and relatable. I almost felt she was describing me in some parts of the first VEVO Lift video. Straying even further from the main topics of discussion, I took a nap during the wait for Sky Ferreira's album last Monday evening and who should appear in my dream but Lorde. I think we were in the same class or something, and I vaguely remember trying to get her attention. I think we were friends maybe?? But whatever.
  17. It's alright, I guess. I mean, the main cast is an assortment of high school sterotypes plus an evil robot bear. It's decently fast-paced after the first 2-3 episodes- characters start dying left and right. The interaction between the students can be hilarious, but given the school's graduation requirements, there's also lots of drama & suspense and near-constant mystery.
  18. Lyrically and ""artistically"" I agree, but to so far TR is so much more 'my jam' and accessible, too. Ignore me because I'm biased towards dance music
  19. For me, none of them is best song. …because all of them can be. Seriously through, whether it's the lyrics, mood, synthesizers, vocals production or guitar riffs, each song excels in area others may not. (disclaimer: maybe I'm just discovering how good albums work or that they can be cohesive) Personally, though, I enjoy "I Blame Myself" the most b/c no matter the occasion I always like me some synthpop, even more so when there's obvious piano chord changes to be found. (this was my first favorite song) #goditakethingstooseriously
  20. In other news, the album's holding at number 10 on US iTunes! Desperately hoping for that Billboard Top 20 debut
  21. So I joined the anime club at my college and I've recently been watching the following weekly: Danganronpa The Devil is a Part-Timer! Attack on Titan Penguindrum Fulllmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Kill la Kill I haven't finished any of the above, btw (I am up-to-date on KlK, though)
  22. I'm just gonna buy the CD on Amazon as soon as a we get a 'concrete' release date – and/or – the digital on iTunes if there's an exclusive and I just don't feel like buying Bikini Daze. All these decisions and factors involved. Let the anxiety and high-stakes waiting begin. P.S.– ONLY now lol
  23. Yeah, I'm, um, "de-confirming" as well. :/
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