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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. omg. This is so pointless. Everyone repeating the same stuff over and over again every few days..infinity loop..






    Things are going to be changing and fast.

    The world is in a different place musically as well compared to 2014. If she just did another UV/HM, you guys would be like "so unoriginal..tried to copy her old album..samples her own material..is she running out of ideas??? UV1>UV2..."


    Treat each record as a single entity and stop comparing. It's all about the music. If you cant stop saying negative things/ruining other peoples experiences then better dont say anything all. Alot of people havent heard the leak yet ,you guys are just ruining it for them. They probably feel less enthused thanks to your highly intellectual critique abilities.


    And I'm done


    Thanks for this!

  2. k just one thing, can we stop saying that uv/hm/btd/aka stans are living in the past. these albums had different sounds and some people prefer those sounds. some people really feel like UV is the most incredible thing they've ever heard, don't bring their experience down. 


    Sorry, but the people i'm talking about, who do bully others and call them delusional for liking a new record can be insulted right back. Of course everyone is allowed to have their favorite records. 

  3. look everyone is ALLOWED to have their own (wrong) opinions on the album but

    to compare NFR to previous albums is so STUPID. if all you do is compare her new

    stuff to old stuff, OF COURSE you’re gonna be disappointed. just fucking enjoy that

    she gave us a new record at all because remember this puta wasn’t gonna put out

    anything in the first place until she met jack. and i don’t think we need to slander each

    other either. this is the same shit that continues to cycle around just like y’all constantly

    dragging stans for liking LFL. who fucking cares?! you’re allowed to like and/or dislike an

    album WITHOUT attacking other’s for their opinions. LET’S ALL BE FRIENDS!!


    All tea 

  4. its so funny that this is the ONLY place where i can find people complaining about this album.


    on every other music forum it is unanimous praise even rateyourmusic who is notoriously harsh on her and not exactly a pop-centered forum has given the album the best reviews of her career by far.


    yall need to detach a little cause your expectations are always gonna be too high or something


    also you can say the thing about recency for this over UV but it works the same way with nostalgia and overhyping UV every time a new record comes out


    Yup! No one is forcing them to like it, but to say that this is a "horrible" album is delusional. 

  5. It’s definitely her most adventurous sound wise. You can debate quality all you want but Honeymoon was in NO way experimental or a step out of her comfort zone. Maybe UV was but it’s not that edgy to be rock and roll these days. Quite honestly it’s edgier to go for a softer more mellow sound in a time when pop bangers are served up left and right.


    I’ve been tentative about being super positive because I feel like for every person who likes the record there is someone on here that is determined to make people dislike it or point out why positive opinions are wrong or that they are going to change because it’s too fresh. I Listened just once but I know for a fact it’s going to stay my favorite Lana record because it’s the kind of stuff I’ve always dreamed of her doing. Some of y’all are obsessed with Honeymoon and some of y’all are obsessed with UV and I’m feeling good about finally having my own Lana album to consider her peak.


    I totally agree. Every time we say NFR is likely our favorite Lana record, the sad souls who live in the past are quick to jump with RECENCY EFFECT!!!! There must be a scientific reason why these idiots who have no ears think NFR is better than her magnum opus and holy bible, UV!!!! (PSA sweethearts, no one is forcing you to declare NFR is your favorite, so stop attacking everyone!!)

  6. That’s actually funny bc I was disregarding TOW since it was a cover and I don’t care too much for FMWUTTT and MPG as much as those other tracks I’d named.


    I still feel like my rating rn stands with UV > NFR > HM just bc I like the sounds she played with on NFR it almost fits right next to HM. Hell I’m sure HM will swap places with NFR every so often

    If she included Flipside and Your Girl on the record, I would be 100% in agreement that UV is her best album. I just can't say that with FMWUTTT, which I would probably consider one of her worst songs to date. I genuinely love every track from NFR in different ways, so for me, it has topped UV in terms of the record as a whole.

  7. Woah, what??? Cruel World, Brooklyn Baby, PWYC, Flipside, Florida Kilos, Shades of Cool, Sad Girl, West Coast. It’s just a great collection, the album as a whole was and is her best imo. Don’t get me wrong I love HM and there’s tracks on it that I’ve replayed just as much but Salvatore, 24, and MTWBT have become some of my least favorite tracks over time.

    I base my judgment on UV based on the standard edition, which is seriously composed of half the best tracks of her career, and then tracks I cannot even listen to anymore. PWYC, FMWUTTT, Sad Girl, TOW, MPG. That is 5 tracks from an eleven track record.

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