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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. Uhm but LFL did give us 13 Beaches, Cherry, Heroin and Get Free and my guilty pleasure that is White Mustang and I still plan on pawing way for at least the last 3 mentioned once I start thinking about my dream NFR tour setlist  :crossed:


    I don't think it's a bad album. It just doesn't necessarily fit within the narrative and the world she has created in her other albums. I adore TNC, Cherry, Heroin, Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, GBA, etc, but it feels more like a collection of songs with no direction. 

  2. Imagine if we didn’t know that BAR existed and this was our first time ever hearing it.... whewww we would be scalped to our skulls. I’m jealous for the people that had never heard of that song. They are about to be left shook and witless, especially when the first chorus hits or when the chorus with the glass breaking comes on. I can almost guarantee that it will be considered one of the best songs on the album by people that had never heard the original or even knew of its existence.

    I totally agree. The casual fans are going to LOVE it

  3. I had to listen with no volume because I want to fully experience those tracks with their videos or the album, but WOW she looks amazing. What a vibe. Not what I expected but I'm a fan!


    We know she has done casting calls for 2 more videos right? or was it just 1, I can't remember.


    (Lets be real, even if that one is filmed, it'll never see the light of day or be a video for a later single years down the road, lmao)


    There's another one that she recently finished filming at an amusement park

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