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Posts posted by Fingertips


    I felt like I related to BtD better when it came out, but I've grown and changed as a person since then and while it will always have a special place in my heart I don't get that same connection I once had to it. NFR feels like it's channelling my current state of emotions better.


    This is how I felt, but with UV. NFR definitely resonates with me the most at this point in my life

  2. MZxDLVO.jpg



    An angel. The last scene is my fave

    Ok this might be a weird interpretation but I assumed she was supposed to represent Pamela Courson and the wedding dress represented how she always wanted to get married but Jim Morrison didn’t want to so she was like following him around and I assumed the oranges represented that she was from Orange, Cali. But idk there’s probably a better reason.

    Oops, clock me - smart legend!

  3. I watched MTWBT on acid and it made absolutely no sense she’s just sitting in a chair with glitter and when the bridge comes it just.... it made me laugh so much bc it didn’t make any sense whatsoever why is she sitting in a chair with glitter on her in the dark lmfao I realized it’s her worst video when that happened

    Her worst is UV if we talk about not making sense


    Why is she wearing a wedding dress? Why is there a brown filter in it? Why is she eating an orange peel and sucking on the fingers of some guy?

  4. Well we don’t know that. I like to think that maybe she’s implying she’s quitting the big industry or interscope to do something more low-key and independent. Does anybody know how long she’s signed with her current label for?


    On a separate note, I can see that no one has mentioned HTD , like I am legit convinced Jack ruined a perfectly beautiful song with a half assed midi production, the beats from the snippets were so ugh and this silence seems telling.

    Overall I’ll admit I am hyped for NFR, I like the surfy end of summer beach vibe to it, exception made for Hope which reaaally feels like it won’t fit the narrative and imo it should have stayed a single but it’s her baby so whatever.


    Also is everyone sleeping on her Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant ? That record has one hell of a production and (I am going to get beheaded here) can easily surpass L4L which is imo her worst record to date. Go on murder me but do know I’m new here so go easy on me. X

    HTD wasn't recorded/leaked which is why people aren't talking about it

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