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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Okay I got the only 2 vinyls one of the Targets near me had (someone hid both of them and i wanted one to actually open and one to keep sealed bc i’m picky about color vinyls like that. ) and all of the Target stores around me only have 1 copy of the vinyl so i’m lucky i even found what i found. Anyone know what all variants we have? I have the yellow, the Target, and the white but didn’t open the white or the yellow. Did we have any other varients besides those three? I was looking through my record collection and saw I only had 2 before I got the Target version. Also, i have all of the cassettes i believe, all the cd variants from lana’s site and i think now i finally have all the vinyl varients? Idk. off topic, why isn’t Red Taylor’s Version available in stores yet on vinyl? Are those having issues being produced? no one come for me for getting the only 2 at my target, if someone hid them they should’ve gotten it when they were there in the first place i supported blue banisters time and time again lol also i put blue banisters cds in front of the entire top row of Adele cds blue banisters was on the bottom shelf of the cd display
  2. I need a Lana cover of Blue Christmas but Elvis's version please
  3. I love when she swears tho lol like COCC didn’t has as much as I’m used to from her but then we got BB lol
  4. Why am i only seeing this now and why do i love this so much!?!?!? Ugh yes please
  5. Ahhhhh I’m so glad to see new ideasssssss the best thing about Lana is she really could be played in any order and the music still sounds so good. Which was the main idea here, just to get her streams up and to gain new ways to listen to the albums and whatnot. I’m excited to hear your playlists!!!!
  6. “Makes me a sad, sad girl” it makes sense when she’s saying “I’m a sad girl, I’m a sad girl, I’m a saaaad girl, I’m a bad girl,” etc if she’s ever done it live (can’t remember off hand any particular shows) she might change it up. She does that a lot with live versions of things so it wouldn’t surprise me. Other people here are more experts on whether we’ve heard some songs live or not, i can’t remember if this is one of the ones that gets played often or not at all
  7. Hey everyone! I have a new game idea. The rules are simple. Take TWO or THREE max of the albums that are currently out now listed below: Born To Die Paradise Ultraviolence Honeymoon Lust For Life Norman fuckin Rockwell Chemtrails Over The Country Club Blue Banisters You’ll take those two or three that you pick and rearrange the songs into an order that you think would sound like a really good album all together. Be sure to use spoiler tags or else the posts will get super fucking long. You CAN only add 2-3 unreleased songs to the playlist, no more, and only if we know those are tracks from that era. So if you pick NFR and Chemtrails, you wouldn’t add Serial Killer (although that would be a lovely addition to NFR) maybe that could be a different game. Look at me, already making a 2.0 of this within my first post in this thread. You can play as many times as you’d like, once albums are used, it’s not like they’re used for good lol Name your playlist album creation, combine the album, make it your favorite song, etc. The fun part of this is we can all make these playlists and listen to each others’ playlists to see which ones sound really good or which ones we like. This’ll also help Lana’s streams go up because sometimes albums get old after you listen to the original tracklist too many times, so it’ll help multiple albums! Sidenote! You can also add soundtrack songs or others not on albums if you want too! Here’s my example: Norman’s Fuckin Chemtrails Over The Blue Banisters (NFR/COCC/BB)
  9. oh no not another "soon" from her lol last time she said that the album didn't come out for another 3 years
  10. should've also dropped the preorder for the album, would've been perfect timing
  11. her new song sounds like Get Over It from Let Go demos
  12. What's confusing about this is there's already systems like this in place today. I don't see why making them report anything extra does anything. I worked at a bank and if anyone wanted to withdraw or deposit more than 10k, there's a little slip of paper that gets filled out and sent to the IRS for tracking purposes. It's called a SAR (suspicious activity report) and I don't see how or why they're making it a proposal now? It's already a thing. I guess this would be more or less for tax purposes? Idk. I say we pay the people in congress $10/hour and see how far it gets them with their families and whatnot. It's much better than the initial proposal of reporting anything $600 or more, but still, it's bullshit. Okay, so an interesting discussion here. You're already double taxed, and probably more often than you think. You're taxed when buying goods, taxed on your income, and also taxed on your vehicle and property taxes. Lowering the taxes for the poor but not raising it for the megarich will only have a lowered spending budget for the government, so it'll have to come from somewhere. I think what needs to happen is we need to tax the churches on all income, because they're tax free, and raise the taxes for the megarich while lowering it for the middle and lower class. Another proposal is to legalize weed in all 50 states on the federal level for tax purposes. Tax the fuck out of it, 20%. There's your extra money. Now you can afford to give universal healthcare while also still doing this "infrastructure" thing they just passed. Take anyone in prisons for non-violent weed related charges and erase their record of weed offenses so now our tax dollars aren't spent on "prisoners." Help them transition into working society and get back on their feet and you're good This right here. Get rid of the rich being able to write off donations to "charities" that literally don't do anything. A lot of charities don't really do anything, they're made so the ultrarich can "donate" and then write it off from their taxes each year. Hillary Clinton did this and then allowed her daughter to use the "donations" as a wedding fund. As a side note, also tax the fuck out of politicians and illegalize corporate lobbyists. They literally bribe everyone and get things set up so their corporations can survive, but not the rest of the people, the ones who keep their companies afloat.
  13. not you using comebacks you've used before! how original! the only stan here is yourself and your imaginary insider info you claim to have with no proof to back it up you do this every era
  14. Maybe it was a bit too personal, not that the others weren't, but she just wasn't feeling this one being spoken? Idk lol
  15. Although I'm pretty sure it's not, I can relate to the first half being about someone family related. Might use this poem and send part of it to said person to finally release her from my life entirely.
  16. it's sad bc this album was already expected to be liked less than NFR by Lana, she already knew. could be why we got BB so soon after. i still love it though, the run from TJF to NAWHAL is one of the best I've heard in a long time. I love all of those songs. specifically wild at heart and dark but just a game. the guitar on dark but just a game just fuck up my ears so much, it's so good. fucking ear candy. listen to the instrumental on high volume or good speakers i wanna make a playlist at some point with the songs from NFR, COCC, and BB in a certain order than makes a lot of sense
  17. Text Book 59 Black Bathing Suit 86 If You Lie Down with Me 41 Dealer 30
  18. Text Book 57 Black Bathing Suit 85 If You Lie Down with Me 42 Dealer 32
  19. did she redo vocals? the instrumental is different, his vocals sound the same, hers sounds more like her baby voice than the demo we had a while ago
  20. just do wot ya do best wifff me also can't resist doing this line too spin me like a ballerina super haa
  21. Text Book 63 Black Bathing Suit 86 If You Lie Down with Me 37 Dealer 30
  22. Text Book 65 Black Bathing Suit 85 If You Lie Down with Me 36 Dealer 30 goodnight @West Coast!! i know i'm gonna have to leave eventually too lol this game has taken away my night time reading tonight lmao
  23. you right now NOOOO I DIND'T SEE IT SAID PINKY @Stargirls Dealer your old name haahahahahahah
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