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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. honestly if it leaks, i hope it's one of the first couple of iterations of the album, NOT the final version. i want the final version to stay unleaked until the release
  2. i went to lunch with my bf and with all that's going on i can't leave my phone alone. i need to have it on with LB loaded at all times this is the LB that i missed, the messy, the wild, the leaky
  3. the money snippet is so good y'all fuck me uppppp lana ugh
  4. honestly at this point i could see the album leaking. i hope it doesn't but it's more than likely now that snippets are coming out. i only have to wonder, what other songs are on the album we don't know about yet?
  5. "i suck him once" you didn't suck him twice? i can't dealer was a zach song and i'm pretty sure the dealer snippet is her, it has the same vocals as her singing heart shaped box live
  6. oh so now you quit saying anything once we called you out on you having the songs and saying it sounds more lively but not sure if its just you and then saying you don't have the record lmao sis....
  7. so you got the tracklist and some info? like..... what i'm confused
  8. i talk to jesus sounds like a personal demo that was never meant to be released idk why she'd ever wanna release it now
  9. i thought you didn't know any info like yesterday or the day before, are you did you just find out stuff or are you kinda making up what you hope to happen?
  10. are we getting the preorder this week? or nah... also, just 2 days ago you didn't know anything so how do you know now? did you just get info about it?
  11. I can't wait for this album. This is adding up to be the album I wanted Chemtrails to be holy fuckkkkkkkkkk
  12. i really need dealer to be on the album at this point, THE POWER IN HER VOICE ugh yes
  13. Hmm.... I'll let you know once I finish the third because at this point, I'm already partial to book 3, but definitely liked 2 better than 1, even though the ending to 1 was absolutely epic. The second one is my favorite of the two i've finished for sure!
  14. if you don't have money for the books you can also download using a place called libgen as ebooks on your phone or tablet i feel that lol i finally bought them all recently and honestly it's such a fun series. some people take issue with it because if it being written by a man and the female characters "all acting the same way" but i don't see it that way at all, they're all vastly different imo. it's a lot of fun!! yes yes yes!!!!! you're going to love the third one ahhhh i can't wait for you to be in the area of the book i'm at but i won't say anything at all bc of spoilers. the second one had me on the edge of my seat during the second half and i couldn't put it down. my opinions have definitely changed, i hated egwene's personality at the beginning but she's already evolved and the same with a few other people too. i can't wait for the show, the book had me so hyped and then seeing the trailer BITCHHHHHHH i can't wait. the cast looks great, although not exactly how I pictured them but they really fit in their roles in the trailer
  15. i had a dream where i didn't mean to but did bully a kid and he got mad and ran away (he bullied me in the dream first so I guess I did it back without meaning to? idk) and somehow i lost my shoes so i went into this big house and i found this girl with shoes and she gave me them and she told me to leave before her dad gets home and then she started singing and i think it was a dream that i got shoes from lana del fucking rey i guess nothing really happened but it was pretty lit
  16. did you end up finishing the first book? i'm about halfway book 3; haven't been reading so much lately but i'm so glad to see other people reading this series. So far my favorites are Egwene, Mat, and Verin. I love those three characters, so anytime i get to read more about them I'm happy lol Please try out the second one! the further you get into it, it gets better at least for me. like there's so much story development and world building that happens between the second and third book, you'll be absolutely shook
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