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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. honestly? pure laziness. if the album was done like she's said (she says so much shit...) for the past 7 years, realistically, her label shouldn't have any excuse to hold it from release. she's given every excuse under the sun-- she lost the files, the label won't release it, she's rewriting it, it's finished but it's just waiting to release, she's unsure about it, etc etc etc. at this point, she's off of most people's radar and sadly, her album will flop bc she waited too long. some artist that long wait works for them (Lorde or Adele) but... she's not them.
  2. not y'all making up a tour set list when she's not gonna be able to do a massive tour this year considering there's a pandemic if she does anything like that it'll be smaller shows and we all know she'll cancel the last leg. also not y'all adding COCC songs before we've heard them what if some tracks are raging hillbilly country folk?
  3. I just realized the point of the "facing time again on riker's island again" lyrics is referring to being locked down in a relationship that she won't allow herself out of-- because she's crazy, she loves him forever not maybe
  4. Do you really think she fucked her teachers, was a gogo dancer who cooked cocaine in the kitchen while her daddy ran around with guns in Miami while he tells her that her pussy tastes like Pepsi??? And she's ended up in Rikers Island once already? If you're gonna use the "i believe every word she says in every piece of work she does" card, maybe you should listen to when she says "I like to make up stories about my very cherry bomb" Point is-- she's a story teller. Not everything she ever writes is going to be true 100%. There may be some truth in it, but being an artist means you get to have fun with what you write and do. She's said this actually a few times. Things like this could've been another meaning to them, considering we don't know much about her mom, this could've been her playing as her mom. Who knows. We know they have a shitty past.
  5. I thought she was playing a character??? is she not? i didn't think she was talking seriously but at the same time, she also wrote patten leather do over she says "that's why i'm here at this facility by the ocean" and she says "fallen asleep by Gabapentin" which is used to help seizures and overactive brains (people who are bipolar or schizophrenic)
  6. This is really interesting bc now that i've thought about it, this song actually resonates with NFR in a lot of ways. Let's go back and think about who Norman fuckin Rockwell was anyway. He was an older painter who painted the time period of the American Dream. Lana's NFR character was a man who wanted the American Dream, but never could reach it-- his version was never attainable. Like in TNBAR. COCC is Lana's American Dream and she doesn't care what she has to do to get there-- she's saying this is what their life could be if he just let her, just like LMLYLAW-- Let me be the woman I want to be to you, let me love you like I think I should and want to in my mind of this american dream, fragile, but forceful all the while. Let me be your American Dream, just like National Anthem back on BTD, "blurring the lines between real and fake"
  7. So turquoise helps with depression and anxiety, it's interesting she mentions it here. It's supposed to calm and bring balance to energy
  8. i guess i’ll storm my local target on release day just to get that and a cd lol
  9. they're already fucking sold out of the vinyl at Target -_-
  10. So did we just get confirmation she's working on the next record in this video? She said some artists don't know what they're doing next but she knows and she's not going anywhere
  11. American Whore

    Azealia Banks

    can we cancel her? like fully deplatform her completely like what happened to trump? someone needs to take her off social media....
  12. Oh fuck wait wait wait is there a link to the target one?
  13. So how many vinyl colors are there? I got grey and translucent and there’s a red one and a yellow one?
  14. i preordered both color vinyls and i have one black vinyl set to the side for me at a record store sooooo also no UO exclusive this round hmmmm
  15. Lana with the "I wish I was dead already" on her story again OMG
  16. what does she mean by find out..... FIND OUT WHAT
  17. I still hear “Im going down now with all of my... vagina”
  18. congrats guys same tbh i had no idea we were getting new mods soon
  19. Not y’all thinking Yes To Heaven will be on the record lmaooooo
  20. i don’t believe that lmaoooo of course he’s gonna say it’s fake he signed an NDA
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