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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Although NFR isn’t even a lyric in that track, so I wonder if she’s going to even say it as lyrics in the song or if it’ll just be the theme of the record, like how NFR was the theme of the entire album with only one mention of Normal Rockwell in one song
  2. tbh i wouldn’t be upset if she just became an album artist and stopped touring for a few years. put out like 4 or 5 new albums over the next 4-5 years and then come back with a fresh new set list that’s full of surprises. i feel like fans would appreciate it a lot more than the recent tours
  3. i know it’s most likely that if she’ll ever cover TMB it’d be Nights In White Satin but I neeeeeeeeed Dear Diary on this.
  4. i hope if we get a cover on this album it’s Dear Diary from TMB i also hope to hear some mellotron on it more so than NFR. she called it the “norman sound” but yet she barely used it. frustrating. and i know she used it on stuff before like Ultraviolence (track) but i’m still.... needing it
  5. she must’ve changed it a while ago since she must have the album cover already too. it’s 90 days out, it had to be submitted by today for a release on Sept 5
  6. I expect no singles and just a shadow release of the album. I think a shadow or soft release is what she meant by surprise release
  7. what an iconic name for an album again, wow i thought it was very much the opposite. the instrumentals almost weren't loud enough, especially on the title track where her voice was much more clear, less reverb on it than ever before
  8. My claim is very accurate, you can look it up. I don’t feel like pulling receipts, i’m tired and had a long day. But I’m claiming what universities and the actual studies have claimed. Hell, it’s less of a risk compared to smoking. There’s only 4 ingredients. The media says the opposite. So no, I don’t believe the media because they’re paid off by tobacco companies to discredit the vaping industry which was grassroots from the start Also, when people try to say there’s freeon in it, that’s not true. it has a mutual chemical called propelyne glycol which is safe to ingest and inhale. there’s not vegetable oil in it, it’s vegetable glycerine. the most harmful thing about it is nicotine, which is about as bad as caffeine. the propylene glycol was added to freeon to make it safer to ingest bc kids were getting ahold of the bottles and drinking it and there were kids getting sick from it. pg solves that problem and makes it safer than before. but it doesn’t mean to go drink it
  9. I know it’s popular to dislike trump and i don’t particularly like him myself, for a multitude of reasons, but hating trump doesn’t get anything anywhere and doesn’t make the movement better. this along with the fact that BLM was made while Obama was still president and Obama didn’t care enough to do anything for 3 years. it actually took kim k to go see trump and talk to him to help try to fix a tiny portion of prison reform, which still isn’t fixed at all. but she did free a wrongfully charged woman with trump’s help. i think his recent tweets are stupid and dangerous to society, but i also think hating him right now takes away from the point of BLM. it focuses on a while man in office whereas it should be focused on POC breaking the chains holding them back
  10. “take a look at the lawman beating up the wrong guy. oh man, i wonder if he’ll ever know he’s in the best selling show” what a useful lyric for right now. i wish she’d cover life on mars
  11. But then it’s anti vaping which there’s studies that show that it’s not nearly as bad as smoking. Ok boomers hahahaha
  12. And like I’d said before, it’s not a bad album it’s just a bad Gaga album. It’s nothing as artistic as the cover or her previous works. She can do what she wants, but for someone who’s been a fan since I was in middle school and her first album came out, I just can’t bare to listen to her like this. What’s weird is people say it’s pure dance pop but I turned on TFM this morning in the car and there were some dancy pop songs on that albums for sure. Why she couldn’t have returned to a similar sound or at the very least, did something weird and unique... I dont know. Maybe she knew how long it’s been since her last solo record and she wanted to appeal to the general public. I really like the comparison of this being her LFL. Not bad, but not good. And I said earlier too, I don’t think it’s a trash album it’s just not for me. Maybe I grew away from Gaga but I don’t know. That’s what I listened to TFM for today to see if I still like her and I do! She has bops but just not this time around that I enjoy Also, I miss her writing. “He are my heart, he a-a-te my heart out. He ate my heart and then he ate my brain” is such clever use of innuendo
  13. The difference is TFM and BTW both were unique, there was nothing like it out. This doesnt sound like her, vocally or production wise, it just sounds stale and boring to me. You can like or love the album as much as you want, I’m not trying to invalidate your opinion because you’re entitled to that, I’m just sharing my opinion of it and why I can’t listen to it, because it doesn’t resonate with the sound that Lady Gaga is known for. Honestly, if she released it under her real name without the Lady Gaga tag on it, it might be a better album.... but its a Gaga album and it doesn’t hold the quality that a Lady Gaga album did 10 years ago, even being out today. Every song to me sounds the same or similar and the lyrical content falls shy of what I’d expect. The way she looked in the Stupid Love video made me wonder if this would be her Ziggy Stardust era, but it turns out that the aesthetic makes no sense for the album and music. I don’t understand the reason for it. It’s like she wants to stay unique and interesting, yet her music isn’t showcasing the weird, beautiful art we know she is more than capable of crafting. Let me put it in perspective: With Lana, I expect a certain quality of sound and with every record, it turns out she delivers. She has every time. I don’t like LFL, but it still has the quality of a LDR record. LG on the other hand hit a high peak somewhere between BTW & Artpop, but ever since, the quality has been declining. Try listening to this album 5 years from now and you’ll notice the difference, where TFM, BTW, and even Artpop (which a lot of people disliked, considering the change of style it had), still hold up in the quality standard she set for herself with her first album. This album won’t hold that longevity. Even as much as I dislike LFL, I know it’s still going to hold the quality expectations from a LDR album another 5 or 10 years, even being my least favorite in her discography. Is that subject to change? Sure! Opinions are fluid I typically don’t like drawing comparisons between Gaga and LDR, bc they’re very, very different artists making very different types of music, but that’s the easiest way to explain my opinion.
  14. It’s stale, like old potato chips left out for a week
  15. This is exactly what I thought. Like it sounds thrown together and generic. Going from Artpop to this... I pretend Joanne or whatever didn’t happen, it’s weird she was trying this strange country sound and I didnt like it. I’m sad to say but I guess I’ve finally grown away from Gaga and I can’t go back. I wish I could listen to her and enjoy her still, but the quality isn’t there anymore like it used to be. When Joanne came out, I only like 2 tracks and those were Dancin In Circles and Perfect Illusion and with this... None of it stands out to me. There’s nothing like Telephone or Judas or Government Hooker or anything. And I understand that artists change their sounds and this is completely fine! But at this point, I hear she’s going back to pop and I... i’m disappointed. It’s not that it’s a trash album and it’s not good at all, I just don’t like it and can’t listen to it like I did TF/TFM, BTW, and AP. I say this bc i miss when Gaga was weird and still making unique music. I guess I can say the same about other artists too like Kesha and Katy Perry... but I still had a connection to Gaga and I had specific expectations and they fell through. I’m sad about this record.
  16. I... don’t like this album at all. I didn’t think I would either judging by Stupid Love. It’s all just generic and sounds all the same, each track. I just... what a disappointment. Glad she’s still making music I guess, but i can’t listen to it and genuinely enjoy it
  17. I completely agree, there’s some good songs they’re not all bad. But the album as a whole isn’t a good Lana record. It doesn’t make much sense compared to her other albums and feels out of place.
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