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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Remember that tweet “different but not that different”? Maybe she’s referring to how she felt when earlier albums released and thought she’d change by now and this record shows that she hasn’t after almost 10 years. Maybe yesterdays tweet was her talking about that same change? Maybe more emotionally than physical or verbally. It just makes me think about how she’s treating this album like she did UV and that she was either 1. in a good headspace and that changed (it sounded negative but online it’s hard to tell) or 2. she was in a bad headspace and it flipped on a dime and maybe she’s in a better one now?
  2. Hell she could’ve been referring to the release date even. Finally just now saying something. But I highly doubt that’s it. I wonder if she’s okay recently. She gets cryptic sometimes and it’s weird
  3. She can turn them off if she doesn’t want to see it I mean- she’s done it before
  4. Honestly I wouldn’t mind if she quit touring and just released music for several years. Just focus on making projects. Maybe have a few pop up shows or festival shows but nothing worldwide and 30+ shows for one project. This one probably won’t get a tour, with how quiet she’s being. Remember how short the Endless Summer Tour was? Only had 20 shows, compared to the LATTM Tour which was 39 shows & her Paradise tour which was 51 shows. I wouldn’t even miss it if she stopped touring for maybe 3-5 years and lived her life, making music at the same time (Imagine if she stopped touring and made a SoundCloud and just started putting random tracks there every couple weeks.... a bitch can dream)
  5. Would you rather her reuse that old “hot potato” lyric on NFR and release it now or have this long wait? Lololol
  6. There was a theory that the White Walker who looked at the camera when NK was about to kill Bran was actually Arya in his face and that’s how she snuck through them to kill NK
  7. Stop clicking it if you don’t want to read it. Period.
  8. There’s prolly a better reason to this but I’ll try to explain plus I’m a bit crossfaded so I’m wanting to talk about this finale. When Jon first walked in, Drogon dropped his head almost as if he trusted him, which he did! I feel like Drogon felt the Targaryen blood in Jon, he knew who he was as much as Aemon Targaryen from the Wall, who also knew long before any of us did (which is why he treated Jon a little different than everyone else. He knew, somehow, maybe bc he was a maester but this is beside the point.) Dragons are loyal to as far as I know one person at a time. BUT because of who Jon (remember Dany’s conversations with Viserys, “You don’t wanna wake the dragon, etc”?) really was. Viserys wanted SO BAD to be the King and to be the one who carried the dragon-blood type thing they talked about at the beginning of the entire series (S1-S2) when Dany lived through fire and her dragons were born (speaking of in the books it was supposed to burn her hair and she was bald lol just something weird that didn’t happen in the series.) It was almost like destiny. He became Queenslayer in a way and this time they actually COULD have justice for who slayed the queen. In a weird way, Drogon did what she set out to do, break the wheel. The Throne was now melted which was an interesting throwback to when Viserys died with molten gold poured over his head. A Targaryen and melting metal lol Anyway refer back up to the my last post in this thread and see what I mean about destiny and how it played out. I didn’t really go into Dany’s bc I still haven’t figured it out for myself but it wasn’t always supposed to have a happy ending anyway. And it goes back to you saying the dragons feel emotion. Maybe he felt the love between the two. Maybe he felt almost the joy she had seeing him and standing next to the throne. (Look back S2E10, she had a vision of the throne room completely destroyed). I think the blood thing & feelings they had for each other kept Drogon from killing Jon Edit; (the blood & love for him, idk... now that I think about it again I feel wrong about that... let me say one more thing.) I’ll have to rewatch the episode but they asked where Drogon was and they said he was spotted somewhere. Maybe he went to the wall to join Jon? Idk exactly where they said he was spotted at... :/
  9. To actually go off of this, was her label why she had to delay AKA? Was she not allowed to release it before or did she hold it back herself? Because you might be onto something, this makes a lot of sense. If she was having label issues again, she might’ve tweeted that “have changed but haven’t changed at all” meaning her LABEL is holding back the album maybe because they don’t trust her style of music to sell as well as they need it to? I originally thought that tweet was more or less about her depression or a certain person. Maybe it’s another UV and she’s just waiting for them to be like “Alright fine”. Maybe she said that meaning she didn’t think this type of delay would change as well as everything else? (If I’m repeating anyone before me sorry I didn’t read the past couple of pages)
  10. Okay so if you didn’t watch the episode please SKIP THIS POST I gave you a warning, don’t say I didn’t. The ending seemed to me, a little more cheesier than expected and I don’t expect the books to end nearly like this. I think the most important thing is this: Jon got what he wanted at the beginning; to be at the wall. That’s all he wanted and where he fit in most which didn’t seem to make him happy by the end. It seemed like what he did almost had no real meaning... only that Bran got the throne. Sansa got what she wanted; to be a queen. She’s now ruling the North as Queen In The North and all she wanted was to marry Joffrey to become queen. It made sense to me but too happy of an ending. Arya got to be what she wanted to be; a wanderer. Remember season 1, she would climb things, adventure and get herself into stuff she shouldn’t have Bran got what he was wanting; honor. He wanted to be remembered. This way, he will be. He’ll have honor as a king. Tyrion got to be the Hand of the King for a king who he could at least believe in
  11. Yeah and the first time she said it she lied and went on to work on the album a month and a half later so I don’t 100% think she’s the MOST reliable person regarding this album (unless her verified account announces anything, I don’t even believe anything she says in a video or whatever)
  12. The demos are still great. I think the overpolished album is what makes it age a bit, the production style. But I think it’s still very iconic in her discography. The visuals. The lyrics. The music was pretty great imo compared to LFL
  13. Guys y’all are so quick to assume she’s done with the album. It’s prolly just her label, she’ll release it whenever they actually let her. Which could be anytime, I guess. Maybe she sent it to Rick and wants to see what he thinks? Maybe execs STILL HAVENT HEARD IT? Who knows Yikes...
  14. “Make up stories bout my life and very cherry bomb” Why is this being said????
  15. I beg to differ https://youtu.be/JoOKJTTumjE Although I do agree to some extent a lot of it is fake. BUT don’t be confused that she’s “always had money” her dad wasn’t always rich. She’s talked about that
  16. Yeah you can tell this is what she wanted LFL to be more in the vein of. I blame Rick for that shit
  17. That’s what I was thinking, DMD. Wow that was so refreshing to hear, I love this track so far. Hopefully it’ll stay in my “Really like” list lol
  18. This track reminds me so much of BTD. I don’t know why it sounds like it would fit that record so well. Holy fucking shit I love this. It’s so different for Lana. THIS is what I think she wanted to do with Groupie Love, something more on THIS caliber
  19. Please send me a link!!! (PMs only tho) mod note: user was warned for this post
  20. Does anyone have a link? It so send in a PM please I wanna hear!!! mod note: user was warned for this post
  21. You don’t like white mayo? What other color mayo would you accept? And coming for hipsters? What’s wrong with them?
  22. Oh honey have you heard Honeymoon? Born To Die? Sirens? AKA?
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