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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I seriously can’t wait for this goddamn album after hearing this track. I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’t wait....
  2. I think people are gonna like this better once they hear the record. Remember Brooklyn Bany? Shades of Cool? Yeah I do too and ppl hated those 2
  3. Guys read the movie synopsis for Black Narcissos and you’ll understand that line better
  4. Did this fucking song leak??? Is it on Apple Music or something????
  5. What’s lazy about it? The song was written a year ago...?
  6. Wait it’s in 2 days why are we saying it’s not happening? I’m confused
  7. What is that post “Lilacs in my mind“? Instagram Dec 2017
  8. If @neohumanistic is a Lana account then wouldn’t Lana follow that account?
  9. Maybe a style of a NR painting of her or something black and white again hopefully. Maybe a dark blue night sky cover. Idk but I hope it’s simple but meaningful this time like UV. Lol watch it be her standing n front of a boat at night or something. She hasn’t done a boat cover yet so lmao
  10. Sure, if it’s a regular single. Some are exclusive premiering singles like Zane Lowe will do sometimes and the song doesn’t even release to streaming sites until AFTER they run the song at least once there. I remember both MAC and VB being that way. Didn’t release at 12:00AM, it released at like 5PM or sometime in the afternoon here or whenever his show is, in the middle of the day randomly I’m just saying from someone who never posts here anymore I don’t believe “insider/leaker talk” anymore because most of it is bs. It’s 2019, most just say stuff they don’t know for the attention. Sure maybe he has the track but there’s no photos, no proof of anything so I won’t believe it. Simple. (Yes I know photos can be faked too but even that would show something...)
  11. Sure he’s leaked things in the past but does he really have new material? Hell, I remember plenty of people having Love before it leaked and it doesn’t change anything. That spread with or without him
  12. Considering it’s a new project... I don’t believe anyone has these tracks or they’d leak already by now Considering it’s a new project... I don’t believe anyone ACTUALLY has these tracks or they’d leak already by now. Especially being Jack’s production on it. Maybe a demo, sure. Definitely not a final track
  13. Who the fuck did this lmao I’m dying Calling bullshit rn. Any type of proof? At all?
  14. It’s a pretty good chance. She said in November at Apple it was the last track they worked on and the live stream was in October, so chances are, that has a 90% good chance it was very very close to the final instrumental. The adlibs id like to have on the album but that probably won’t make it to the final version and what the question really is is it that will or not (but most likely nope ): )
  15. That snippet of HTD is just a demo that she shared on insta a few months back. Not the one Jack was working on in the livestream, that was the actual instrumental. But I didn’t realize the snippet was the demo
  16. All this time May Jailer trying to fight her way back through Lana
  17. So what if Lana did something a little different this time? Longer songs where multiple songs were two separate songs. Anyone remember Green Day’s American Idiot where they had songs that were really 2 but were as one track. Are We The Waiting / St. Jimmy or Give Me Novacaine / She’s A Rebel. So on the album it could be Cinnamon / In Your Car or Bartender / Cinnamon. Probably just a stretch but I think it’d be a cool concept and different Just think if this was true, there’d be 11 tracks and some we’ve still got no idea about because we only know about one 1/2 of it
  18. What’s interesting is Paradise was more or less and extension of BTD. I’ve always thought of Honeymoon as a companion record to Ultraviolence or UV’s original sound maybe... LFL felt kind of more or less like an anticipated, but failed sequel to BTD... so I wonder if this one will tack onto the end of that UV -> HM line and go UV-> HM -> NFR? I hope so Im not throwing shade at LFL, I think we can all agree BTD is better cohesive album than LFL.
  19. I just need to say this; In Your Car sounds amazing but whoever titled that... it’s an awful title I hate it lmao it's just generic. I guess we have to be with these snippets This is a concern I have too, but I’m not upset. She’ll always be a touring artist, there will always be more shows
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