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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. no because there isn't a drag show for kids. a drag queen might read a book to kids, but where is the harm? who is that hurting? colleen had a 13yo girl lay on her back on stage at a show and open her legs and made a fart noise. who knows what that was meant to be or why she did it, but it's... not funny. there's no world where it's okay. no drag queen is doing this to kids. she sent someone underwear? that's weird as fuck too. no drag queen is doing this either. there is no time or place for an adult to be sending messages to a teenager or kid "sexually" or in any sexual manner or sends them underwear, or talks about their sex life, or asks about their sex life. drag queen or colleen. but if it's a man who conducts inappropriate behavior, he's called a pedophile, etc. etc. she needs to be held accountable as much as anyone else would be. just like shane should've been, but that's another topic. she shouldn't get away with asking a teenager for ass pics. but at the same time, that teenager shouldn't be talking to a group chat with adults in it (or anyone really, but teenagers are teenagers) saying their "ass looks so good rn". that's on the parents for not teaching their kid boundaries. same with his little sex jokes and sex toy mentions. if she was mentioned in a message about a sex toy, she should draw the line - she was the adult, not adam. she should've ignored it or said something like "hey, i don't think this is appropriate so let's not talk about that." it really isn't fucking hard to do sometimes it's hard to know when you're a teenager what is appropriate and what's not - and sometimes when you're online as much as we are these days and as much as i was when i was a teenager even, 10 years ago, you sometimes say stuff you wouldn't say in person and even if you say it in person, it's typically amongst your friends and it's around people who are making similar jokes or talking similar. but it's age appropriate because you're both around the same age and both are exploring life as a teenager i will say, i don't like him because this seems opportunistic and he seems to just want attention so i've only seen shit on tiktok but her apology or whatever the hell that was was a joke and she doesn't understand that it's not okay. she became a victim so she doesn't feel bad about doing it - she feels bad about getting caught for doing it
  2. American Whore


    Experiment Fallen Fantasy Fast Life Favors Feeling Girls Up Gloomy Gravel (thanks @SarcasticBeauty)! Hard Make Up Healing (Ruff Demo) How I See It (Rough Idea) I Told (V1) this one I can barely make out what's being said with the choir vocals In Heaven (Ruff Demo) Industry Loyalty Make It Up (Ft. Sampha) Make It Work FUCKKKKKKKKKK I WASN'T READYYYYYYYYY I HAD MY TEMPLATE MADE AND EVERYTHING MIGHT CRY FOR AN HOUR Edit: Okay, I've gone through everything I think. I know there's differing lyrics in Industry V1 probably V2 too and The Fall demos so I'll work on those tomorrow or something unless someone else wants to. I need to go back and make edits to the ones I already posted but thank you everyone who's been helping pointing out what I'm mishearing because it's hard to know with a lot of these lol
  3. American Whore


    I wasn't sure, thanks. I was hearing gold but couldn't tell if it was gold or good but i'm glad we now have her tweet verifying lol
  4. American Whore


    Thank youuuuuuu!!!!
  5. American Whore


    thanks! i'll finish up tomorrow at some point, i already have up to Girls Up done on what'll be my last/third lyric post (the second one was accidental, i meant to keep going but it posted so i couldn't take it back lmfao oh well, that's what i get for being on lanaboards late.) and i love banks so this is fun for me bc i'd be listening to these anyway lmao
  6. American Whore


    Best Friends / Chill (Ref) Bloodshed Chewingum Cry Baby Deathwish Destination (Rough Idea) Different Pages / For The Record Demo (Same lyrics) Dog It fucking posted early -_- whatever lol here's these! I would love some help if anyone can listen through and see if you can decipher these better
  7. American Whore


    that's it! you're right, thank youuuuuu. it sounded like "mikagi" and i googled that and apparently it's a word that had to do with some sort of musical instruments lmao so i assumed that might be it lol but i'll change it in that post
  8. American Whore


    no problem! they're not perfect by any means, there's blanks and question marks where i just can't hear what she's saying so if there's any corrections please post it bc i'd love to know what was missed or misheard. it's probably like 75% correct, going back and listening on my phone, i've already caught a couple errors too that i've edited
  9. American Whore


    THANK YOU i spent like 20 minutes trying so hard to hear what she's saying. that was a nightmare lol the last line in that tweet doesn't fit what she's saying after the gloomy bit. i did edit the post ^ but i'm still confused what she's trying to say lol
  10. American Whore


    Mama Said Miss You Motives Mr. Miyagi Please Don't Go Please Don't Go [Acoustic] Proof Shadow Siren Song Sleepy Head Sleepy Head (Ruff) The Weekend On The Weekend, I can only assume she's saying "I like the weekend better" given the title but I'm hearing "I like the way you better" Untitled (Ruff) Water / Water (Demo) The Way (Rough Idea) Yet I tried I'll do the others soon too from A-M Edited with some updates. Should be better now, but still not 100% sure on everything here being accurate. Please let me know if you notice anything different than what I have and I'll update this post before heading to Genius (if they're not starting to be posted already lol)
  11. American Whore


    i forgot about this and i still haven't listened to everything so idk 100% but i don't think it did unless someone who's listened to everything can correct me
  12. American Whore


    using this image for my unreleased collection
  13. Show has been cut down to 5 episodes from 6 episodes. Will be ending next week. No word on cancellation but cancellation is imminent. Some have been reporting it was always meant as a limited series
  14. American Whore


    @AudioLust thank you for your contributions to my iTunes today!
  15. American Whore


    i love how she's just so weird with vocals. she uses vocals as an instrument in ways most artists are afraid to do which is why i've listened to her for so long. there's just a creativity there that doesn't seem very common with every other artist people typically stan also this weaker girl demo sounds very goddess era styled, idk there's something about it
  16. American Whore


    i'm making food to listen through all we got today, if more leaks while i'm gone i'm just gonna download those and keep holding out to listening to everything lol
  17. American Whore


  18. American Whore


    I still have yet to hear it all, I'm going through my iTunes first and organizing
  19. American Whore


    we stan that for us (me) thank youuuuu <3 you're a real one
  20. American Whore


    what a day to be a Banks stan sitting idly for 10 years waiting on leaks my day of reckoning has come
  21. American Whore


  22. American Whore


    girl are you just dropping stuff on us or is stuff leaking elsewhere? either way thanks!
  23. American Whore


    I'll check what I have and see if there's anything new/different from the list you posted and if there is, I'll send them to you. I don't think there's anything too crazy in the stuff I've got, though. At least, I don't remember anything from then
  24. American Whore


    I didn't know there were leaks from her, the best I've had were from years ago and not very good or important, I felt. I'm excited though. Some aren't even leaks, just a live version of Lovesick at a show before it released and her cover of Are You That Somebody? and a few others
  25. i haven't watched since the first episode. i really had high hopes because i thought the weeknd's name being put on it, with him acting would be great but its just boring and i couldn't follow what the story is supposed to be. idk. maybe i didn't give it enough of a chance but i thought i tried
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