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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. didn't BOZ say this is a new version tho, i'm confused what is it
  2. watch her forget to perform anything from COCC, BB, or OB and it's all BTD through NFR
  3. I agree that it now belongs to this era but it feels like it'd be out of place in an Ocean Blvd demos album since it doesn't belong on the album i'm screaminggggggg idk what to do, my OCD is going to bother me all day no matter what i do i fear Maybe I can put the respective songs that release on their own as a "disc 2" track? and then the demos would make sense in that album's demo album? hmmm @Surf Noir what do you think of this?!
  4. i genuinely don't think they're taking down posts with songs meant to be released. people uploaded the new SYTH yesterday and it's still up, plus I still can't upload songs from Sirens without a copyright hit also want to say this - where will you all keep your SYTH demos/versions? i keep Lana's singles / stand alones all in one album called Singled Out By Your Lonesome (bc the word "lonesome" is an inside joke between me and someone, so it makes me giggle when i see it) and it includes all singles that aren't on an album and soundtrack songs, but I'm not sure where to put those demos. Do I leave them in my Unreleased collection? I keep my Looking For America (Instagram Version) in the same album with the officially released version in that SOBYL album collection so maybe they'll all go there? But it wouldn't make sense because the various versions weren't released so idk.... TL;DR I NEED ORGANIZATION HELP (i also finally organized my instrumentals last night by adding them as a "disc 2" to their respective album) her Eras Tour era
  5. American Whore


    i kind of wish she would've featured her old stage name again like she did on Kinky. Peace & Quiet is the best thing on this album imo. she seems so in her element when she's making weird, poppy, odd sounds. piano flops and acoustic guitar heavy tracks aren't my favorite from her. Only Love Can Save Us Now is good, except the chorus I don't care for because it feels so out of place, but this sounds like it could've been placed on Warrior and fit right in. The Drama is fine, it's kind of weird but it's interesting. it sounds like something unreleased I really don't get the idea of having this random guy talk at the beginning of the 3-4 tracks. idk who it is and really don't care what he has to say, i'm here for kesha and having fun with her again. but i guess i'll smoke more copium or hopium that we'll hear her doing more experimental or fun stuff again. 2-3 tracks on an album feels like not enough ugh
  6. I think Hollywood's Dead would've worked so well in either the COCC or BB eras, where she's talking about wanting to leave LA or California. Ugh... missed opportunity
  7. She needs those streams if we ever want to hear a full album of unreleased stuff and have it on vinyl officially
  8. not these random youtube channels uploading the song before it's released worldwide.... i-
  9. Me when I hear Lana thinks we hate the last 4 songs on ocean blvd
  10. she makes it hard for us to stream something when we have a superior version already before she releases a final version
  11. do we even know if she sings on these or if they're just co-written with her?
  12. what is this discord i've heard about and who's sending me the link
  13. Actually no! Between HM's release and it's follow up (eventually LFL obviously lol) announcement was 3 months - from September 2015 to December 2015 that she was already working on it
  14. I just wanna know if this is meant for something bigger or just a single stand alone release like she did with Looking For America
  15. we'd had it for like 8 years now she's kind of late to the party i guess better late than never i've never found this song very interesting, i know people love it but i don't care either way if it's released or not. she used a boring version and that's fine it's gonna be out and we can finally move on lol i'll more than likely listen to the more interesting versions if i ever do
  16. It's kind of a boring version. Glad it's going to be out, done, and over with. Finally people can stop asking for it and we can move on lol
  17. youtube music link https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=6ksOgOnX8q4&feature=share you can stream it with a vpn
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