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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. hi it's me, i'm an insider this era. um.... Yes.... maYbe.... but maybe Not..... look arOund and you May fiNd Your ansWer also snippet on russiansite32948.ru
  2. I completely forgot about that, thanks lol I still have the leaked version downloaded but since it released, I've just kept it and listen to the released version
  3. I know the difference from Fingertips, but what about the other two? I feel like I've missed that
  4. BITCH ME TOOOOOOOOOO fucking love this one. i think this is her songwriting at its peak. she could've kept it going another 3-5 minutes and it wouldn't have overstayed it's welcome for me. it just goes so many places ugh love this one so muchhhhhhhh @Elle I believe the line is "The 14-year-old knew 'Froggy Came A-Courtin'" and at the end I hear "Just another folk song but anyway,"
  5. New game idea! Since nobody leaks anything anymore, this game will work like song vs song but it'll be the snippet edition! I'll go first. Dark City vs Zodiac
  6. yall.... this fucking game i've been playing for probably... 15-20 hours or so, taking my time and exploring. i just realized that there are
  7. idc when they put out zelda, they could put it out on the day the world explodes and i'd be happy to have my last 24 hours spent in hyrule lol
  8. Reviews are coming out, 10/10s almost everywhere!!!!!!!!!!
  9. going to add to this again. in a way, it feels like a lot of this video is commentary on her eras - how she's changed, holding onto this necklace that's either been someone's promises to her to make her famous or to love her or whatever it might be. then the promises broke, so she turned and learned (wildfire wildflower teassss) and by the end of it, she's making a commentary that if she would've just stayed in this one style of btd or lfl, she would already have the hollywood walk of fame star but she didn't so she knows the music she's making won't be what the industry "wants"
  10. also love the mix of National Anthem and LFL look at the end
  11. I don't think you're too far off at all, I just wanted to add that these women are all also depicted as being vulnerable almost to a fault - where they may feel a certain type of way (MM died by suicide because the man she loved didn't love her, BD may have been killed by someone close to her, but who knows.) I think a lot of the people she chose to play in this video were chosen by purpose too, coincidentally lining up with her own eras. Marilyn Monroe / May Jailer; Elizabeth Grant / Elizabeth Smart (Black Dahlia), then at the end Lana Del Rey as Lana Del Rey. It's interesting that all were called stage names that weren't their birth names. It's just interesting little details. The blood to me is more representative of the cost of this lifestyle, which you might consider a tragic end. Lana with the media. Marilyn with the sex icon and publicity of the love she had for someone who would never truly be hers, the Black Dahlia wanting to be a famous actress but ending up dying while chasing that dream. By the end of it, Lana isn't wearing any necklace, so she has fulfilled the dream without costing her her life, while still costing something else to her. Whatever that is.
  12. the hair is definitely giving old LDR, it's interesting how it reflects on the media and seems like her message to criticism - this shot makes me think of the acclaim she got during NFR, but the murder being used to symbolize how she "glorifies abuse" with the man in the car who was looking at her throughout the second half of the video, but it could also symbolize how the media murders her for being vulnerable and being herself, which is almost just as abusive of a relationship as her being with a man who beats her and she sings about it
  13. the candy pieces looked like pills to me
  15. this is giving 80s ultraviolence with lorde's eyebrows i kinda stan tbh
  16. This is kind of similar to your favorite demos or favorite leaked songs, but if you had delete your unreleased/leaked collection, what are your top 15 tracks you couldn't delete? These are the ones you couldn't imagine Lana's discography without Here's my list: Discuss if you agree or disagree with anyone's lists
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