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Everything posted by LanaRayDelMar

  1. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    I mean that other version that remains unleaked (the superior version)
  2. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Me trying to process all the leaks in.. Also where is Night Mime 2013 final
  3. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

  4. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Bombs rough demo (leaked May 11, 2021) - Different vocals and production, speculated to actually be a stem edit but considered real by some Demo 1 (leaked May 10, 2021) - More of an early mix? Unmastered vocals which are barely noticeable to me Demo 2 (leaked Jan 16, 2016) - First full version we got, similar to demo 1 but vocals are more mastered Demo 3 - Unleaked Demo 4 / Final (leaked February 17, 2021) - Said to be a later version considered as the final, vocals and instrumental in a different key
  5. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Is AK-47 about school shootings in the US?
  6. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Maybe she would've been as big as Bille eilish if she released Night Mime
  7. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Wow what a year for Melanie leaks! Thanks to the users who shared what they have, even though y'all get a bad rep for acting like clowns most of the time w snippets you all eventually come through. Very nice to hear these elusive demos Now give us Night Mime final
  8. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    That Cake demo is fake right? I remember hearing it on yt posted as the live studio version
  9. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    SPILL it is my theory the 3-4 accounts chatting away are the same person since they reply to each other minutes after..
  10. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    They hate to say it
  11. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Detention bridge a close second
  12. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    wHyyy even post this..
  13. She needs a new team (PR, stylist, manager, creative director, photographer, the whole shebang)
  14. her paradise-era snake ring, the honeymoon-esque top, the born to die-era hairband alongside her lolita-esque frames and glossy pink lips, the baby blue ultraviolence-era acrylics, her fillers looking dissolved >>>>> maybe we finally won besties!!!
  15. The streets are saying Pandora's Box L3@K3D???
  16. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    They don't bump this thread I think but thanks for the advice! ??? I won't ma ? @Yellow ?
  17. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Hey Salem, quote me next time! I am in this thread?? even though I don't bump it every other day or post often I do follow it so it's kinda annoying when I get notified thinking something is going on in the fandom but turns out just to be another pointless bump. And being used for what? Begging for something to leak to save this fandom!111!!! not to mention posting scat audio every other time something pops up on dbree. Literally nothing of substance has come from this thread in nearly months. Some of y'all bump this thread for no reason and I believe alot of people have said the same thing.. Cheers x
  19. LanaRayDelMar

    Melanie Martinez

    Petition to lock this thread till MM3 announcement
  20. Idgi what does the single cover art have to do with the video..? There should've at least been a shot of her in it me thinks
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