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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. She has been good at them in the past, and in a variety of styles, from 'Live Or Die' to 'Velvet Crowbar' and 'Blue Jeans' and 'Serene Queen' and onward. Do you consider 'Doin' Time' an example of what you're referring to? Thank you for correcting me, that makes a difference! Of course, I stand by my observations of some of the OB vocals.
  2. A bad habit so many artists have as they mature, which usually brings down the quality and professionalism of their projects.
  3. I agree, we know she's big on family, and probably on family promotion too. She's got Chuck as well as Rob involved in her projects.
  4. I understand that she's given up her previous high glamour style as a day-to-day mode, and, in her recent songs, stresses "watching tv and doing the laundry," going to the mall, and meeting for coffee as well as racing her little red sports car, but. How far in this process can someone in the public eye go? Art is often, or partially, about the seemingly magic process of transforming 'base' reality into something else. IMO, she or Rolling Stone should just have used the better photographs.
  5. Thanks, full agree. I'm surprised that Rolling Stone even accepted them, even if it's Rolling Stone UK. A person can want to appear 'average,' 'like anyone else,' and completely unidealized or unglamorized, and the photos can be beautiful. Instagram users see thousands of old sepia, B&W, and color photos from all eras and from all over the world that have been rescued by amatuer archivists, and many of them are purely beautiful and simple. It doesn't take a whole lot to sit up straight and, in small ways, play against your particular physical slights or weaknesses of the moment, whether it be a short neck, a double chin, a weak profile, etc. But if you go into a photoshoot thinking "almost any photo of me [or my subject] is good or better," then you're going to get results like this. She got some of it right.
  6. That's a stupid comment. And I've shared several of me over the last 5 years, including the one that is currently my member photo. My comments are not an attack on Lana's actual appearance, at any time of her life, but on the poor quality of the photos themselves.
  7. Some are just not good as professional photos, or even as amatuer photographs. This is the best that she and her team can do? I'm looking at them objectively. I've never been a fan of Chuck's work. I'm glad you enjoy them and I hope others will too, as no doubt they will.
  8. If you're one of those Stans that sees every photo of Lana as beautiful, you won't see them even if I point them out.
  9. If she ever glamorized 'abusive relationships,' I think that started with 'Blue Jeans,' not UV.
  10. Some of those are not flattering to her in the least.
  11. What about the photoshoot with Joan Baez for the NYT magazine? Shouldn't that be out any day, any Sunday?
  12. But THE SONG sometimes does get scrapped--as in 'Yosemite.' And generally, Lana seems to make some odd choices on occasion, like scrapping 'Serene Queen,' and placing what I see as lesser tracks on LFL in its place. When a producer agrees to work with Lana, or any artist with complete control over their career, they probably assume the track or tracks they work on will make the cut, if any cut is foreseen. But anything can happen towards the end, especially with Lana, and her quixotic taste and temperament.
  13. I find some songs, by all artists, have an underlying, internal/structural tension that makes them ‘sustainable’ and gives them endless/perpetual ‘replay value.’ For me, recent positive examples by Lana are ‘The Greatest,’ ‘Yosemite’ (even if recorded much earlier), ‘White Dress,’ ‘IYLDWM M,’ and ‘VFR.’
  14. It's more sociology. We go through this every release. I seldom overpraise things I haven't heard in full. I have said I don't think much at all of the title track and not much more of 'A&W.' The others, except for 'Fingertips,' I like so far, but they don't have, for me, at this point, a lot of what ChaoticLipster calls 'replay value,' which is an excellent and useful term. I still listen to 3 or 4 tracks from 'BB' and have never tired of them. I hope that's also the case with some tracks off the new record.
  15. For better or worse, I'm sure one of the tens of millions of people in the world will leak it before release date.
  16. Generally, don't her albums leak about 7 days before? So we're quite not there yet. But I assume anything is possible. If the entire album leaks, I will still be buying a copy.
  17. I stand corrected. I've only heard the tagged version, but it is possible to make out a good deal of the song from it.
  18. Exactly, and also because most members here, in terms of percentages, seemed not to like it.
  19. Sometimes we repeat things because some members go in and out for days or weeks at a time, and then miss a great deal and ask a lot of questions about what they don't realize are posts they've missed, while others stay on constantly, and so repeated statements become obnoxious. Block me, I don't mind.
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