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  1. sweetestgirlintown liked a post in a topic by Gone user in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    It's sad that people could say things like that and Lana could read it, but man, it's time for her to separate her fake lashes and open her eyes to see reality: she's acting horrible towards us and yeah, she doesn't owe us anything, but if she wants to stay away from criticism she could at least try????? try to sing??? to perform???? to keep us updated????
  2. sweetestgirlintown liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Sadly she seems to have changed a lot as a performer. Something happened in 2016. She became lazy with her performances :/ It's a shame because we know she is capable of those older vocals. Remember Blake's birthday party?
  3. sweetestgirlintown liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    can’t wait for lana’s next post, 5 clips from the fesitival with the caption “buku <3”, then she’ll disappear till summer. yay!
  4. sweetestgirlintown liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in New Orleans, LA @ The Buku Project Festival - March 22, 2019   
    Dancers were cute for the LFL album, but it's time to let that go. She needs to go back to 2014-esque shows, swaying to the music with her voice center stage and the palm trees and smoke in the background. It suits the music and her personality so much better while the dancing comes off as a bit forced and cringe-worthy. 
  5. sweetestgirlintown liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in What happened to Lana´s look?   
    She's done something to her eyes,I think botox they look a lot smaller with no makeup since 2015 and it's really noticeable when she's not wearing her falsies.
  6. sweetestgirlintown liked a post in a topic by fl0ridakil0s in What happened to Lana´s look?   
    Imagine the people on this thread seeing Lana perfoming in Adidas trainer suits
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