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Everything posted by keanefar

  2. How can I upload it for you guys? What's the best way? I'm willing to, I just don't know how
  3. Thought so. I think the Boys preview is messed up...? It sounds wrong. At least in the beginning. Anyways, buying!
  4. Okay so it's actually only 8.70 for me cause I bought YNTO but I wanna know if the album is good sounding, like Andrew mentioned? Anybody know yet? Ain't buying 'till it's fully mastered...
  5. HMU for that rhyming title am I right? N E Way I was wondering what songs ya guys used to hate that grew on you from Lana (particularly her albums), which you maybe didn't like upon the first few listens? For me: Sirens: - Hated like all of it LBR, but I like about half of it now AKA: - Oh Say Can You See - For K Part 2 (they're my 3rd and 4th favourite from AKA now ) Born To Die: - Off To The Races - Carmen - Million Dollar Man (I still hate Carmen ) Annnnd I didn't like the Paradise Yayo but I just needed to learn to love it ya feel me, because I loved the original and all. What songs grew on you? O ya and I don't feel like talking about unreleased sry
  6. I'm lost (as usual), how many more hours?
  7. If no physical copies do end up getting released I'ma be crusshhheeed
  8. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Afraid vs Trash
  9. I'm so lost RN. Is there not going to be a physical copy at all or are we just talking about the deluxe version on her website right now excuse the dumb question
  10. Yea, I'm kinda liking that I don't know too much about the album. It's going to be even better listening for the 1st time
  11. I think her channel was just facing some copyright issues, since it isn't the Vevo channel, but it seems to be sorted now.
  12. I thought it was that too
  13. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Summer Wine vs Chelsea Hotel
  14. Born to Die - 8 Off to the Races - 7 Blue Jeans - 12 Video Games - 2 Diet Mountain Dew - 9 National Anthem - 10 Carmen - 6 Million Dollar Man - 6 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 3 Without You - 7 Lolita - 9 Lucky Ones - 5 - Ride - 4 American - 6 Cola - 8 Gods and Monsters - 9 Bel Air - 6 + Burning Desire - 5 @@Elle I spit in the face of my opponents
  15. Borderlands is the best video game to ever exist, followed closely by Borderlands 2. Currently playing: - BL2 & BL (always playing) (BL on Xbox, 2 on PS3) - Pokemon Y - Grant Theft Auto V (on PS3) Add me, - PS3: keanefar - Xbox 360: civilLeo - DS: 2707-2357-7862
  16. Message the admin (LDR) =)
  17. Well, it went for around $270. Praying for the buyer that it's real lmao
  18. I have no idea, I would hope so for the price people are paying. I want it.
  19. I'm pretty sure the Ride promo CD is real. I was told by someone that the font is not the correct font because the graphic designers messed up, but it's still real. =) Anybody seen that promo CD going for hundreds? Can't believe it... It's nice, though. But I would never pay that. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/161128026300?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  20. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Gods & Monsters vs Hollywood's Dead
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