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Everything posted by keanefar

  1. Message the admin (LDR) =)
  2. Well, it went for around $270. Praying for the buyer that it's real lmao
  3. I have no idea, I would hope so for the price people are paying. I want it.
  4. I'm pretty sure the Ride promo CD is real. I was told by someone that the font is not the correct font because the graphic designers messed up, but it's still real. =) Anybody seen that promo CD going for hundreds? Can't believe it... It's nice, though. But I would never pay that. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/161128026300?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  5. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Gods & Monsters vs Hollywood's Dead
  6. I always associate these two together as well! This song really is great. One of the first unreleased songs I ever heard by her.
  7. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood vs True Love on the Side
  8. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Hot Hot Hot vs Big Bad Wolf just cuz
  9. Isn't it supposed to represent the creation of Adam and Eve (body electric)? Going along with the poem etc etc The three songs make perfect sense
  10. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    YOU & ME vs Moi Je Joue
  12. For a new fan who really really loves You're Not The One, what songs would you guys recommend to them (released and/or unreleased)? (I know YNTO is cliche to be a favourite, but it's been on repeat for like a week). I want to find some other songs but there's so much to look through Help, plz.
  13. I've been listening to Sky for the last few days and I really really like her But I'm scared to find all her stuff, like unreleased, oh my. Lana has enough to manage
  14. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    Yayo (AKA) vs Catch N Release pick wisely bitches, CNR is like my fav
  15. As far as we know she just announced it, there's no pics at all. I think it was going to be homemade tbh
  16. Omg Yasss Thank you so much Beemo, u rock rock rock rock rockkkkkkkkkkk
  17. Does this work? @@Beemo Paradise: http://d.pr/i/Wlz9 Rejects: http://d.pr/i/JDel There's no rush for these BTW! =)
  18. Hey Beeemooo. Remember when you made that amazing Born To Die cover with the matching demo's cover? I was wondering if, whenever you aren't busy, could you please make matching Paradise ones for me? I was wondering if you could use this image for Paradise, and this one for Paradise: The Rejects? Maybe have the font in gold or shiny red? All steelfish, same format as the Born To Die covers Thank you
  19. This thread was an emotional roller coaster
  20. Well, I think I've finally perfected TRASH You guys should totally listen to it b/c it's so cohesive and perfect IMO (srynotsry) [see: original tracklist and the edited version.] TRASH Explanation: Enjoy, and let me know what ya'll think *summoning @@PrettyBaby for thoughts again*
  21. keanefar


    1. 400 Lux 2. Ribs 3. Glory & Gore 4. Buzzcut Season 5. Million Dollar Bills 6. Team 7. White Teeth Teens 8. Bravado 9. Tennis Court 10. A World Alone 11. The Love Club 12. Swingin' Party 13. Royals 14. Still Sane (I love it now, but it's like the 'second least-best' you could say... but I don't hate it anymore.) 15. Biting Down I dunno. I'm definite on my most favourites and least favourites i.e. like 1-6ish and 13-15, but the rest is a toss up. Overall, I don't really HATE any songs.
  22. Hey Beemo! You know that flawless Trash (Miss America) cover you made for me? I was just wondering if you could please remove the 'Miss America' for me? I just don't really want it in the title anymore. Sorry for the trouble! Thanks edit: oh and TRASH in caps please
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