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Everything posted by keanefar

  1. keanefar

    Song vs. Song

    American vs JFK AMERICANA
  2. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey Like most people, around the Video Games buzz, but I didn't like her at first. Oops 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music National Anthem. 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle LIZZY STYLE 4: Favorite live performance Radio at iTunes Festival. "I heard the streets were paved with gold, I did whatever I said I would. I swore the songs would not get old, 'cause that's what my father said I could" The whole festival was flawless though. 5: Favorite lyric Anything in Kill Kill. My favourite song by her, ever; "I'm in love, lying in the sand. Mm". So simple but very sentimental/special to me and yet I don't know why. But anything that is just fun to sing along is great too, such as the pizza-pie lyrics in BCD, or "He said, 'Lana Ray, will you serve me up lemonade?' I said, 'yes Bill, I will, it's the day of the parade'. And you looked even more handsome than you did the day that I left you." Love those kinds of lyrics. 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? Umm like randomly or what lmao 7: Favorite facial feature That perfect nose (idgaf if it's thru surgery or not) 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? That we wait like approx. 10 billion years to get news from her 9: Have you ever met Lana? Haha, good one. I live in Canada 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Lorde 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? Obsessed 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? Why not?
  3. keanefar


    Not gonna lie, I was a hater, but I love it now. NOT IN THE SWING OF THINGS, BUT WHAT I REALLY MEAN IS NOT IN THE SWING OF THINGS *YET*
  4. keanefar


    OMG but it's like the best on PH *biased statement/opinion*
  5. NOOO I had a whole response typed up and lost it all ... I'll type it up again. Anyways, when you get a chance to listen, let me know how you like this Explanation after the jump TRASH
  6. YES OMG YES Crap... How does one save a gif EDIT: I didn't know you could save gifs tbh BUT AHH ITS PERFECT THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'LL NEVER STOP USING IT.
  7. Hey Beemz hope this works So could you please use this video: And try to get it from 2:12 - 2:16 when she says "... Love with a dying man" (but not when she says 'I'm' again) is that too long? Thanks Beemo, it's fine if it don't work
  8. IDK I was bored and wanted to make a make-belief album in between AKA and BTD, pretending she was singing as Lana Rey Del Mar (not saying that's an accurate date to use the name, as I have no idea when she used that name, nor the dates of the songs ) and, yea. I kinda wanted AKA vibes and I would like some suggestions *summons @@PrettyBaby * TRASH or Trash (Miss America) I kinda wanted surfish vibes, cause that's my fav kinda Lizzy. I'm open to suggestions (for both adding and removing tracks, and order) but it must start with Trash and must have all of Princess Superstar's tracks. Summer Of Sam sticks out, but I wasn't sure how to end the album. BCD is also kinda weird but it's my answer to the crazyness of Smarty . And YGLM and YBIATR are there in lieu of OSCYS and PSB [i was thinking 1949 instead of YGLM? I chose YGLM to follow up the "every time that you walk out on me..." of Maha Maha with "...you're gonna love me, I'm gonna make you..." ]. I want it to somewhat mirror LDRAKALG. Diet Mountain Dew is there to support the theme that this was here before BTD, hence the demo pick. Suggestions plz (especially how to end the album). Cover by Beemo
  9. Yes yes yes It's perfect, thank you so much
  10. You've recognized your Lorde and savioure You also have some of the most brilliant lyrics ever in your sig
  11. Do you wan't me to upload them for you Like, seriously, be a better Lana stan plz
  12. @@ldr72 did you ever look up those unreleased songs?
  13. 1. Type of Graphic: Cover art. 2. Image(s) to be used + pixel dimensions: This image, normal cover art dimensions please 3. Text: 'Lana Rey Del Mar' at the top (not behind her head), with 'Trash' at the bottom, then 'Miss America' right below it. Could her name and 'Trash' please be the same size, then the 'Miss America' slightly smaller. In the font that 'The Paradise Edition' is in, I think it's called Radio? In gold color, perhaps? 4. Mood: Vibrant maybe? 5. Border: None 6. Other Details: U da u da best, u da u da best, best i ever requested, best i ever requested Thanks so much @@Beemo!
  14. keanefar


    Someone make a good extended MDB please. I tried & failed.
  15. keanefar


    Does anyone have the re issue of The Love Club EP? My iTunes is messed up (as usual) and has a weird glitch when I put Swingin' Party into The Love Club EP. Would be much appreciated
  16. keanefar


    Thank you so much
  17. keanefar


    Pure Heroine is so glorious in person. it's really released in Canada now lmao. Still haven't gotten that Ribs single of the week (ANYONE?)
  18. Ooh, I didn't know Sinful was a TFJ outtake. If you have time, could you please list all the TFJ outtakes?
  19. keanefar


    Tennis Court is the free single in Canada, and I guess PH is actually released now.
  20. keanefar


    Speaking of Ribs, can someone PLEASE send me a file of Ribs as the single of the week?
  21. keanefar


    I think it's a day later like what even is the point. And I saw CHVRCHES album there and didn't buy it so I'm gonna buy both tomorrow. By the by, I am so jealous of your Lorde collection like wtf
  22. keanefar


    What the fuck I thought this shit was out today Pissed
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