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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Barry

    Book Thread!

    The first hunger games book was the first and actually only book i've ever read I would recommend it as I did really like it and it inspired me to read more although i've still not read anything since as I don't know what my problem is but I have like a phobia about doing it. I think it's probably trauma from school where I didn't have any interest in books and never read any of them and always got punishment and detention for not doing book report homework and so I can't get into it but then I think a lot of people are just unable to get into reading, maybe it's adhd. Actually I did read one other book in school Fahrenheit 451 as I needed to for an exam in English, and also as a class we read Macbeth so I guess I have read 3 but I can't remember much of these two.
  2. The 4 guys are cosplaying people, Barrie, George Michael, Waka Flocka and Rick from Rick and Morty
  3. I like those two from Woodstock, the Canned Heat one is funny when the fan comes on stage and takes the cigarettes out the singers pocket and takes one and they pose together and then he lights it for him lol I also really like the full concert of Lynyrd Skynyrd live at Knebworth 1976, I cant find the whole show on youtube but this one song will do The Canned Heat and Lynyrd Skynyrd ones good as the main guy of Canned Heat who played all the instruments and did a lot of the singing Alan Wilson committed suicide like less than a year later and the band was finished and Lynyrd Skynyrd the singer and some of the band died a couple of years later in a plane crash so they also never lasted much longer but both were really good. The Lynyrd Skynyrd one is good as they were opening for the Rolling Stones in England and I think not really well known in England at the time so the longer their show goes on the fans who at the start a lot are just sitting on the grass get more and more into it where they seem kind of shocked at how good their songs and performance is.
  4. 12 I got, ive not broken a bone, fired a gun, skydived, been in a limo, had braces, got a tattoo, dyed my hair, watched star wars, ridden a horse, given birth, been on a cruise or got anything pierced.
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