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Everything posted by Barry

  1. I know it's controversial but I just don't see it as a problem, land will be lost, houses, animals will go extinct but it's happened before and will happen again millions of times. We see things in too small a time frame and want to protect everything and keep all the animals we have alive but it's not how it's meant to be. When animals go extinct eventually other animals take their place and evolve to fill in their roles. Just cause theres polar bears, rhinos and sloths just now doesn't mean they're always going to survive, some other animal will take over and houses will be rubuilt. Plus the planet naturally goes through much warmer and much colder times, if a volcano went off or an asteroid hit which will eventually happen wether its 500 years or 50,000 then we can't do anything about it anyway. Can't regulate the temperature all the time from now on, it'll keep going up and down.
  2. I feel like Global Warming isn't a big deal, it's happening and a big part is man made but wether it's man made, natural or anything the planet has heated and cooled a Million times before and is going to keep doing it regardless of what we do.
  3. Taiwan claim to be independant of China but China see it as theirs but they just kind of ignore the situation. Now with Russia doing this to Ukraine, China might think they can take back Taiwan while everyone is interested in this.
  4. I don't think any other countries will do anything, Russia will just do what they want and they will likely do it pretty quick. Will be interesting if they only "take back" those couple of areas or if they will try and take over Ukraine as a whole. The USA and UK etc will complain about it but really they don't care, they have nothing to gain or lose. Same as other countries didn't like them attacking Afghanistan and Iraq etc or Israel attacking Palestine but it's not their business so they let it go.
  5. I missed this whole era, I don't think I ever heard any of her songs or knew of her at all until 2013 or 2014. This is when I first heard about her https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13104346.americas-latest-superstar-falls-love-glasgow/ When someone posted on twitter I think saying she was a Celtic fan and I had never heard of her before and I thought she was Spanish or something because the name so I checked some of her songs on youtube and liked them, then over time I listened to more and more of the songs and liked pretty much them all.
  6. Barry

    Kate Bush

    This is an absolute classic, everytime I listen to it I need to replay it about 40 times in a row.
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