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Everything posted by Jared

  1. I see nothing wrong with reiterating the facts and bringing a dose of reality to counter many hallucinations that I come across on this site. Here's a few of those facts. - Lana hasn't lost her touch or passion for music --- is not retiring --- and is more inspired than ever. - Lana is so deeply invested into her new music/NFR that she has given more interviews over the last couple of months than at any point during her career. - NFR is viewed as Lana's magnum upus and masterpiece --- is her most acclaimed album to date. - Nobody outside of this site is noticing anything wrong with Jack's production because there's nothing wrong with it. - Jack is one of the best and most prolific producers right now and has produced three of the most acclaimed albums of this decade
  2. NFR haters can spew their delusions and hate as much as they want on this site, but nothing they say will change the album's legacy in the real world. The album will continue collecting accolades and be hailed as masterpiece/magnum opus/classic, etc. Not to mention we have another Jack produced masterpiece, White Hot Forever, on the way. Exciting times are upon us!
  3. Jack has three of the most acclaimed and beloved albums of the decade under his belt, possibly two AOTY nominees, all in the span of 2 years. No other Lana producer can compare or compete with him!
  4. Both Rick Rubin and Dan Auerbach are out of touch, washed up producers. Lana isn't dumb enough to work with them in 2019. I thought we all agreed that NFR is in many ways a culmination of the past 7 or so years. Now we need Lana to switch up the formula, especially lyrically/thematically, but sonically too. There's no going back - only foward! And with talented, relevant and effective producers like Jack Antonoff by her side.
  5. Would be the most epic performance ever, but maybe a little too explicit for their audience? But then again, if Jay Z and Beyonce can perform Drunk in Love...
  6. The Grammys usually have all AOTY nominees perform at the show. If Lana gets in, I wonder if she'll be able to opt out? What are the easiest (and most appropriate) NFR songs for her to perform when under the big pressure? I can only think of two: How To Disappear and Mariners Apartment Complex.
  7. Being in the minority here (on board where people think Hope is A Dangerous Thing...is a horrible song and Born To Die is a better album than NFR) means you're sane. Congrats!
  8. Rolling Stone AND Washington Post profiles on the same day? Wow! https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/entertainment/lana-del-rey/
  9. It won't be too long before Fiona and Lana start releasing 50 words long titles of their songs and albums.
  10. I must say, I'm very impressed with Lana's Grammy campaign so far. Rolling Stone cover with Elton John is far more effective campaigning than paying for 50-foot billboards or bribing members with VIP passes like other desperate and talentless losers are doing.
  11. Born To Die 4/10 Ultraviolence 7.5/10 Honeymoon 7/10 Lust For Life 6.5/10 Norman Fucking Rockwell 9.7 (would be a 10 if unnecessary cover and two Rick songs were removed) I'm very confident White Hot Forever will be a 10, as long as Rick is locked out of the studio and it's just Lana and Jack.
  12. You're not wanting Lana to stick to certain sound/style yet almost every post you make complains about the lack of drama and mystery and production of her previous album/s. And this notion that critics randomly woke up and decided to shower NFR with universal acclaim and put it on decade-end lists is a conspiracy theory. There's a very simple reason why NFR is so universally acclaimed: because it's a masterpiece. Better, stronger (from start to finish), more mature, evolved and complete album than her previous ones.
  13. Sincerely, all I get from Max and some other members posts is a clear frustration with Lana for abandoning a very specific sound that made her so great for you guys, and it clearly clouds your judgement when it comes to NFR. That's why a lot of your criticism regarding NFR comes off as grasping at straws or doesn't make any sense at all. - Anyhow, here's something for those fans on twitter who are daydreaming about the Grammys. Not saying Lana doesn't stand a chance, but just to clear your mind. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/how-top-artists-really-campaign-for-grammys-768990/ https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/how-artists-are-playing-the-grammy-game-120105/ https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-et-ms-grammys-fyc-20190210-story.html
  14. It is simply not true to claim that critics have ''ghosted'' Lana's past work. She has had numerous albums that have received fair share of acclaim. To say her past albums deserve the acclaim NFR is getting is to ignore the obvious growth she has had as an artist and songwriter. It was obvious from the get-go that NFR would be a masterpiece, something on a whole another level. There is no conspiracy.
  15. All I see is Lana saying she has 3 songs ideas in the vein of Hope Is a Dangerous Thing... I wouldn't read too much into it.
  16. My theory about the effects of NFR and its massive acclaim making Lana way more self-conscious about her songwriting and everything, is slowly but surely coming true, which may or may not be a good thing. It all depends on what perspective you are looking at it from.
  17. Q interview is probably months old. Let's not read too much into it.
  18. This is already the most hyped I've been for a Lana album and we basically have nothing yet. After NFR brilliance, my expectations are through the roof which is probably not a good thing.
  19. Lol. Critics lose all critical thinking skills when it comes to Beyonce (and Rihanna). It's both amusing and disturbing at the same time.
  20. Beyonce's beyond overrated live album shouldn't even be in contention.
  21. Exactly one month until the Grammy noms are announced. Mental breakdowns are going to be something.
  22. Maybe Barrie genuinely thinks NFR is Lana's best album since Born To Die. He wouldn't be alone, those kind of people exist out there.
  23. This is a viral gif of Italian translator in disbelief having to translate batshit insane stuff Trump says during a press conference. That's why I posted the gif - because that's me as soon as I log in and start reading posts here.
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