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Everything posted by Jared

  1. But credit where credit is due. Chemtrails Over the Country Club is a great album title. The music better be just as great for her own damn sake. She can't miss a single beat because she has boxed herself with her incredibly self-destructive behavior.
  2. It's not a coincidence that she went on a revenge tour as soon as she got tons of critical acclaim. Those bizarre tweets aimed at A. Powers were a sign of things to come. And holy hell, that last instagram rant was the worst one yet. I hope someone close to her staged an intervention. Jack must be horrified who's he working with.
  3. Just when I thought Lana was showing some signs of progression, she demonstrated it was all pretense. Mentally, she’s still stuck where she was in 2012. One instagram post killed pretty much all the hype I had for this album. Is she capable of dropping an out-of-the-box, innovative, jaw-dropping, monumental masterpiece that can justify her cheap instagram stunt and regain my interest? We'll find out on September 5th, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer already.
  4. 18 yo is not a child and she's not being treated unfairly. On the contrary, she's being massively overhyped/overpraised and shoved down everyone's throats even though she's a talentless industry plant whose only job is to whisper shit her brother writes for her.
  5. So much bitterness in here. Cheer up, guys. The best album of all time is on the way. And I have a sneaking suspicion it could arrive sooner than we expect.
  6. A lot of people consume bad/unhealthy products. That doesn't mean its creators should be rewarded and showered with awards. If only the Grammys were a more serious show like the Oscars, we wouldn't have to watch talentless hacks like Billie Eilish sweep all the grand prizes.
  7. Imagine if beyond overhyped and overrated, teenage industry plant wins AOTY on her first try while Grammyless veteran and one of the most influential and defining artists of decade sits in the audience with easily the best album. I feel physically ill just at the thought of watching that horror show and some people here say they would be happy for that whisperer.
  8. To win top Grammy awards, you have to: A) indulge in bribery B) have strong industry connections C) sell your soul Which means Billie Eilish and Vampire Weekend are the top favorites. Lana's chances are almost nonexistent.
  9. People can hate the album as much as they want, as long as they don't project their insane conspiracy theories that have zero support in facts or reality onto people who like the album.
  10. Jack Antonoff is a pop producer who rose to fame with mediocre alt-pop bands (fun. and Bleachers) and appeared on numerous Taylor Swift albums. He's not an indie-rock god so that Pitchfork and others would have a boner for him. Another, much repeated, nonsensical talking point is that Lana has been trashed throughout her whole career, when it fact she has been a fairly acclaimed artist since the 2014 and Ultraviolence. Even before Norman Fucking God, she has had multiple albums with scores of almost 80 on Metacritic. The reason why Norman Fucking God is (deservingly) Lana's most acclaimed album to date is because it's her most precise, most stripped-down, most mature album with the best and most clever songwriting of her career. It's that simple. Feel free to continue spinning these ridiculous and baseless conspiracy theories to make yourself feel better about not liking the album, but I think it would be much better (and healthier) to stop projecting and start reflecting. Maybe it's time to come to terms with the fact that it's not majority of public/fans/critics who are cynical/in the wrong here, and that maybe it's just some of you guys who happen to have a shitty taste.
  11. I think I was pretty clear in my original post. If you come here and say that Lana has been tamed and that the album lacks the cinematic/mysterious/dramatic vibes the other albums had, then you want the same old and that's a fact. And Norman Fucking Rockwell, the most acclaimed album of the year, up for top Grammy awards, doesn't need some random forum users to hype it up.
  12. Some members can beat around the bushes all they want, but we all know what they're really saying. They want the same old, same old.
  13. Wow, this Sputinik write-up on NFR is a must-read! It accurately recognizes Born To Die and Norman as Lana's ''cultural touchstone'' albums, has a great (and true) Tool/metaleads anecdote, uses ''pristine'' to describe Jack's production (hard to get more accurate than that). This guy just gets it! So good! https://www.sputnikmusic.com/blog/2019/12/20/staffs-top-50-albums-of-2019-10-1/
  14. If Lana played you NFR without telling you who produced it, would you have ever guessed it was produced by Jack? I don't think so. Lana is the one who's in charge here. It's her vision.
  15. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Writing better/more epic album opener/title track than Norman Fucking Rockwell and better closer than Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have-But I Have is going to be really hard and almost impossible. But I definitely think she can make a better album as a whole package if she further improves her songwriting and steps even more out of her comfort zone. It's a good thing that this acclaim is putting pressure on her because who doesn't love a good challenge?
  16. 1. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 2. Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly 3. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell Wow at this Top 3! It's insane how high NFR is on these decade end lists. Usually such recent releases get ranked way lower due to fear of recency bias (and NFR was released like 4 months before the decade end). Such a legendary album.
  17. The hype is off the charts already, which is not surprising considering this is going to be the best album of all time. https://www.stereogum.com/2067828/most-anticipated-albums-2020/franchises/2019-in-review/
  18. Ann Powers on when Lana Del Rey attacked her on Twitter. https://slate.com/culture/2019/12/lana-del-rey-ann-powers-review-critics-twitter-attacks.html
  19. If me posting album's accolades in album's thread is so upsetting to some of you, I suggest seeking professional help!
  20. Norman Fucking Rockwell crowns yet another year-end list, this time by Q Magazine. Congratulations Lana & Jack!
  21. I've been in touch with lots of people, hundreds of thousands of people. In fact, two million people have told me that they find the album to be very underwhelming. And that's not counting another thousand that told me they were disturbed by the production and background noises of Jack stretching his lower back and airplane landing 10 miles away from the recording studio.
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