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Everything posted by Jared

  1. I like the album. I don't love it, but I like it. And I like it as an idea more than the actual product. There’s really not all that much to dislike here, only the fact that Lana has regressed lyrically. On the bright side, this album makes it more clear than ever that Jack and Lana are musical soulmates. Even when one of them is not on their A-game, their musical chemistry and bond is so strong that it helps them avoid disaster.
  2. ''I don’t really care if you mush an amazing life story into an alternative record. If the melodies don’t stun me, I kind of don’t care. I think it’s interesting if you’re yelling and shouting and talking about where you’re going and what it’s been like, but to me that’s not a record. That’s a therapy session.''
  3. If, by some miracle, this album doesn't get slaughtered by the critics next week, it will be because of NFR's legacy that is still fresh in people's minds. Norman fucking Rockwell 10/10 Mariners Apartment Complex 10/10 Venice Bitch 10/10 Fuck It I Love You 8.5/10 Doin' Time 8/10 Love Song 9/10 Cinnmon Girl 8/10 How To Disappear 9/10 California 10/10 The Next Best American Record 8/10 The Greatest 10/10 Bartender 8.5/10 Happiness Is a Butterfly 8/10 Hope Is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have – but I Have It 10/10
  4. Back in the real world, where people are still fawning over NFR, and where NFR will forever be regarded as, not just LDR's best album, but also as one of the greatest albums of all time!
  5. I have nothing to say about the song; it's not worth commenting on. But I'm convinced now more than ever that Lana must have one of the worst, most shallow, superficial, vapid fanbases out there.
  6. There's no bottom to how low she's willing to go to get some publicity.
  7. Still her magnum opus, a timeless classic. It hasn't aged a day. Nothing comes close to it.
  8. Unlike Israel controversy, the Instagram stunt is directly tied to the new album and could come with big consequences later on because it can be interpreted as her wanting to regress and go back to singing about being hit and liking it and stuff similar to that.
  9. Lana's album threads from 2018-onward are just shallow, moronic, repetitive ramblings divorced from reality and devoid of any taste whatsoever, about why Lana isn't a sounding and looking like she did in 2012. NFR is still, by far and away, her best album. In fact, it's her only above average album! And nothing can change those facts. Maybe Jack can help her deliver another great album (although after those lame instagram stunts, I'm not so sure about it).
  10. I have just listened (in horror) to some unreleased tracks (Live Or Die, I forgot how the other one is called). Someone here described them as masterpieces and better than everything on NFR, so I looked them up on YouTube. I feel like I lost so many braincells reading the last couple of pages that there should be some kind of a warning at the beginning of each of these threads, for guests and new members.
  11. This is going to be Bob Dylan folk, semi-spoken word type album disguised as a regular Lana album.
  12. Another year, another thread full of posts calling for Lana to bring back the worst, most shallow and immature aspects of her music, while at the same time calling NFR ''generic''. You can't make this shit up. Anyways, this isn't dropping on September 5th because that's Saturday. She was most likely talking out of her ass, without consulting with Interscope.
  13. Jared

    Instagram Updates

    Fake deep voice during Born To Die, fake breathy Marilyn Monroe impressions during interviews, fake gangster Nancy Sinatra act. You have to be completely oblivious to believe she wasn't playing persona. And even if she were consistent in lying, which she's not, it still wouldn't matter because consistent lying is still lying. https://www.nme.com/news/music/lana-del-rey-says-less-persona-now-2069996
  14. Jared

    Instagram Updates

    “Never had a persona. Never needed one. Never will.” ''...my gift is the warmth I live my life with and the self reflection I share generously.” ''I never needed a persona to write great songs'' ------------ This kind of gaslighting and narcissism is straight out of the Kanye playbook. Not to mention those instagram posts.
  15. Jared

    Instagram Updates

    Lana and Kanye have similar personalities. This became more & more obvious over the past 12 months..I'm kinda surprised they haven't collaborated yet.
  16. Narcissism is always self destructive. And her narcissism is off the charts. I can’t understand how no one close to her hasn’t intervened yet. How is it possible that she still hasn't had media training?
  17. Does anyone even remember what half the songs on the Honeymoon & Lust For Life sound like?
  18. Jack is the most important person in the music industry right now. Dan and Rick are past their peak and washed up, with nothing new to offer.
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