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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Jared

    Taylor Swift

    Jack haters on suicide watch.
  2. Jack is not a magician. He can only do so much. He can't make Taylor's trite, by-the-numbers crap sound good. You can polish a turd as much as you want but it's still a turd.
  3. The track is the very definition of a middle-of-the-road, inoffensive, generic pop music that an AI could generate. I very much doubt Lana's verse would make any difference.
  4. I find it interesting how we're in 2022 and some Lana fans still view her as a product, who should churn out new music simply because there's a spike in her Spotify and Tiktok streams. Whatever she's inspired or not, it doesn't matter. The fact that she released two albums last year also doesn't matter.
  5. ''I love Jack’s work, and those Lana [Del Rey] records in particular – like some of my favourite stuff.'' The 1975 praise producer Jack Antonoff for his work on their new album (nme.com) --- The magnitude of the impact that NFR (and Chemtrails, to a smaller degree) had on the industry is insane. Too bad no one can match the chemistry Jack has with Lana.
  6. Jack Godtonoff is in good form, judging from this new 1975 single. Can't wait to see what he does with Lana's new album. The 1975 - Part Of The Band (Official Music Video) - YouTube
  7. Nostalgia is a disease and this whole thread is infected by it.
  8. That's how much I detest Rick Nowels and his plasticky production and his way of burying the vocals in dated and cheap reverb. I don't want to see him anywhere near Lana's studio ever again.
  9. I don't see what's sexist about me saying Lana sounded stiff and distant when produced by Rick, Emile and other producers. I'm not saying her work was bad, just that the production was the weakest link.
  10. There's plenty of generic and soulless music out there... with dated vocal distortion, caked-on production and generic drum loops. You'll be fine.
  11. Rick Nowels is a terrible producer who made Lana sound like a soulless barbie by burying her vocals under layers of excessive reverb. It was Jack Antonoff who added nuance to her music by giving it much neeeded airiness. Jack made her sound both human and elegant, something all other producers failed to do! Not surprised people in this thread can't appreciate this fact.
  12. You're not wrong. Extremely lazy music writing.
  13. Another thread full of embarrassing NFR takes. I promise you, there's nothing wrong with its songs or production. You just hate it cuz it's not overproduced and melodramatic like Lana's early work. That's what happens when you have one-dimensional taste in music.
  14. Lana and The Weeknd's fans are a prime example of everything that's wrong with fandoms. Every new album cycle, they show us how fans can be an artist's worst enemy. Always crying and begging for artist to rehash their old sounds. It's so tiring. Hopefully Lana gives them a huge middle finger just like The Weeknd did with his last album.
  15. ''Jack is special,'' Del Rey told me. ''His chords are so classic that I could sing anything to them.''
  16. That's good, but ''one magic moment'' isn't enough. I don't want another Chemtrails. I need them to prove me that NFR wasn't a fluke.
  17. This thread is a giant cesspool of terrible takes.
  18. Lana covering a song that includes lyrics such as ''Forget that lefty shit your mom drilled in your mind'' is so on-brand. It has some nice moments, but overall it's pretty uneven.
  19. The male Lana is running circles around his female counterpart (who needs to step up her game for this next album). This is insane.
  20. In other words, he has integrity and is not willing to compromise on his values or vision.
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