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Everything posted by Jared

  1. I want the next album to be updated mix of Mariners Apartment Complex & Hope Is a dangerous thing! No regressing please!
  2. She's riding so hard for NFR. Zero fucks given attitude. I feel like certain individuals on this board won't like some of the quotes from this new interview.
  3. It's certainly her magnum opus... unless there's some brilliant, super secret Lana album that the rest of us haven't heard yet? Have you heard White Hot Forever?
  4. Where is that Zane Lowe interview that was filmed on the beach?
  5. All this nonsense about the production is coming mostly from the fans. Quite different reaction in other parts of blogosphere from casual listeners/non-fans. And btw. you can't call Hope ''trash of a song'' and expect to be taken seriously!
  6. There's a reason why NFR recieved massive, universal acclaim and why it has attracted so many non-fans in a way her previous albums didn't. Of course those people who expect Lana to always sound the same (dramatic, mysterious, cinematic) won't like it that much. And that's ok. But it's been more than a month now. Aren't y'all tired of posting the same ''Jack's production sucks'' propaganda over and over again?
  7. Only people who are dragging NFR are those tasteless individuals who never liked it in the first place.
  8. Every time I log in and check this or White Hot Forever thread, I always find the same 3 people either trashing Jack or trying to discredit NFR and elevate Honeymoon. All propaganda with no basis in reality!
  9. My top 5 (no particular order) NFR Venice Bitch How To Disappear The Greatest Hope
  10. I'm way more interested in where she'll go lyrically and thematically than what she and Jack will do production-wise. I want her to go out of box and the title makes me nervous.
  11. Because it's an abomination, from both production and vocal standpoint. It's too much for my ears. The more time passes, the worse it sounds. To say it aged like milk would be an understatement. There's nothing better than completely stripped down melancholy and that's why NFR is very close to my ideal Lana album.
  12. Video Games is what made people fall in love with Lana, not the Emile Haynie trash that followed soon after. That's why Lana dropped Emile and never looked back.
  13. Without being cheesy, I asked:him (Jack): Am I allowed to have those chords? They were so beautiful. I just knew that if he was gonna let me have those chords, then I had literally just gotten so lucky. - Lana Del Rey
  14. Jack's ability is so wild. It's beyond special. His musicianship is equal to my ability to find a beautiful melody. - Lana Del Rey
  15. NFR is like the most acclaimed female album of the decade. It doesn't matter what 3 Honeymoon stans say on some board. They can keep deluding themselves.
  16. Jack and Lana won't repeat themselves. Remember when it was first announced that they were working together and everyone expected it to sound like Taylor Swift and Lorde albums? And it ended up sounding nothing like that. I bet this new album will sound nothing like NFR.
  17. Another day of Lana ''fans'' getting together to pray she becomes a pop star again and trashing Jack's immaculate production because it isn't cheap, overblown and overproduced trash. A never ending circle jerk. Hopefully after this new album they finally join Halsey's stan boards and leave us alone.
  18. The word on the street is that Fiona is coming back next year. If her and Lana release around the same time...
  19. In many ways, NFR is the culmination of the past 7 years. There's no going back imo. She needs to do something out of the box and continue maturing and pushing her songwriting game to another level. Songs like Hope is a Dangerous Thing... feel like a planted seeds for a new direction.
  20. Lana feels like she made a great album but people are still going on about fake persona bullshit. I get her frustration, but those tweets were still unnecessary.
  21. Is she really going after Ann Powers? That article is harmless. Someone needs to take twitter away from her!
  22. Hating on Jack Antonoff is a mental illness! Jack Antonoff is a GOD!
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