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Everything posted by EXODUS

  1. #FreeHalsey from Tonia.
  2. It's a reach but many people have mentioned so... Who knows. Maybe the original demo had different lyrics.
  3. Her debut mixtape had many great songs and a few fillers, but this time is all killer no filler. I'm super impressed. She found her sound!
  4. Caroline Polachek deserves a spot next to Björk and Kate Bush ♥
  5. She is teasing really hard on social media, still no official announcement not date. It's about time!
  6. OMG you guys, I was right, Kate Bush is releasing something before Masochism. Sky is over.

    Charli XCX

    I want it so bad even though I love Carly vocals so much. But I'm curious how it sounds if it exists. Thank you always sharing info

    Charli XCX

    Backseat solo exists?
  9. It's weird how she talks about Dido but not about Pink Panthress. So Pink Panthress version was first than Dido of after Dido wrote her own verse/recorded her vocals? @111do you know?
  10. Someone please save Sky Ferreira from herself.
  11. Those Freeskyferreira stans are so fucking lame lol
  12. Don't give her ideas sis
  13. Watch entire 2023 being the same. Maybe 2024 will be different with single number 3. She could re-record those independently or with another label.
  14. Dang seems very unfinished, maybe reworked would have slapped. Not digging this leak at all, but I'm thankful we got to listen to it.
  15. Capitol please drop Sky. You two will be happier being apart than still being part of this toxic relationship.
  16. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I fucking hate that song, so cringe worthy. She needs to drop the whole political gimmick.
  17. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Remember this live when Marina was channeling (the mother of alternative pop) Kate Bush the entire time? That last minute of the performance is EPIC! Guilty is the perfect example of interesting writing skills, nice hooks and quirky production decisions. Ugh I miss that Marina so much. How come with each new album she seems more like a newcomer music-wise than during her first three albums?
  18. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Right? There was so much positivism in the Fandom. Good times indeed. RIP Marina Boards Too bad many new fans never got to experience how good it was to have Marina Boards.
  19. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Speaking the truth through and through. I still want her to do another song similar to Obsessions. What a debut single!
  20. I meant albums released after 2013.
  21. I mean you're absolutely right but beware those warning points
  22. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Yeah, that's the one, thanks. Too bad that if you ask Marina nowadays I doubt she remember lol
  23. EXODUS

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I thought Not that Ugly was an alternate title for an already leaked song. Just like Black and White is and alternate title for the Are You Satisfied earliest demo.
  24. EXODUS


    Oh, lemme update that then, thank you! I'm happy it's only a week from now, will be nice having you back there. Even though I know you are pretty active here too
  25. Lana has released at least 2 fantastic records and many more albums that are either fine or good. Grimes sure is releasing bad music compared to the ones from her latest two albums, but we got alt pop bibles like her past three albums (even though many fans prefer her first albums sound that is more experimental and alternative than alt pop). Marina has 3 fantastic albums under her belt and 2 other albums that are either OK or good. Sky only has NTMT which is good but overrated af and it was rushed done because her label put pressure on her to finish it quick so they can release whatever she wants under her own terms. That's why she pay that album recording and decided which songs to release. But it is rushed af and lacked polishing. But it's far from the best that either Lana, Marina and Grimes have done. Well, Grimes released 2 great albums after NTMT was released. Sky can't even release any album lol Correct. The three of them are relevant, successful and hard workers. Sure they have great, good and okish albums under their belt but at least they have released more than good album after Sky released her only album 10 years ago. Marina: 3 Grimes: 2 Lana: 6 (now 7 in some days).
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