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Everything posted by Tristesse

  1. Yep we did there was some website that announced the video for the 22th and it was shared here
  2. Yes, I eat some every week along with fine baguette, cherries (not ripe enough in my garden though) and wine
  3. Aiiiight la Lorraine en force!!! Triple respect si t'es vosgienne
  4. Cruel World Betty Boop Boop Cherry Summertime Sadness Lust For Life Love Video Games Off to the Races
  5. so I missed Cherry from beginning to end but listen perfectly to cruel world and stupid summertime sadness
  6. La vérité que j'ai envie de monter sur Paris pour essayer de la capter et crier comme une pucelle quand je la vois
  7. More like 2 weeks actually edit: nevermind I'm wrong I counted days between the first live performance and the album release. The song was out a few days after it was performed
  8. she'd just say "soon", do y'all really expect a date ?
  9. What if a July date is announced only to surprise release it on the 26th ?
  10. actually after a few listens I appreciate this song a lot
  12. Americans seem to have a different mindset for a lot of things it is what it is
  13. I think our european point of view should stay aside from this convo and "cultural appropriation" issues as it barely exists here while it's a real thing in America
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