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Everything posted by Tristesse

  1. Am I the only one that doesn't know who he is ?
  2. banned bc of obvious lack of repartee. Lame
  3. banned because it is what I want. What you gonna do huh
  4. omg this is exactly how I feel about this song since the beggining but I couldn't figure it out myself
  5. banned because of that way too long time online. get a life you nerd
  6. can't tell if it's sarcasm lmao, but I only see this song getting trashed while I really love it
  7. Groupie Love is one of the best tracks on LFL
  8. banned for having such a long time online. get a life
  9. LMAO nnnnnnn you cant say that
  10. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9695-please-read-important-statement-about-leaked-video/
  11. I think we are not allowed to share it because of the conditions it leaked or I don't know why
  12. to extend your point, and it's an unpopular opinion I think, it's a shame she abandoned her 2011-2012 persona. It truly was one of the hugest cultural influence of the decade
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