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Everything posted by Vulnicura

  1. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    omg in Break the Rules she is using the "Oh Oh's" FROM ROUND AND ROUND TOO (at the na na na na parts) jfajfjfja
  2. I've discovered many artist i listen thanks to lastfm. I also use it to go back and look and what i use to hear and maybe hear it again. I might wonder when I first started hearing an artist or what got me into them ect.
  3. Vulnicura


    new song is a cute girl!
  4. Vulnicura


    im so sorry to be like the 100th person to ask you but me too pls <3
  5. Vulnicura

    Azealia Banks

    imagine dropping a Christmas EP after christmas/newyears
  6. LOLOLLFJDLKfjkajdfakljaklg;jeakl;rg; a aweaw THIS HAD ME ON THE FLOOOROR
  7. wait are we sure she is collabing with Halsey???? How do we know
  8. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    ya'll this is what my demographic is hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D1GI9x7aHA i am so naive and disconnected. I guess that's what happens when you only hang out with the same 3 ppl and dont go out much. also LOL at the "I just don't have a really good sense of whats popular on todays radio" *proceeds to know all the songs* (yes i know billboard includes streams, sales, ect but i just thought it was really funny coincidence lol) This kinda like totally gives me hope for Charli XCX, hearing the autotune in some of the songs here.
  9. Vulnicura

    Ariana Grande

    im enjoying her new music but TEA! Dangerous Women was a SERVE.
  10. Vulnicura

    Zella Day

    beautiful voice! like the direction she is going!
  11. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    flash back to the time track 10 BLEW my mind away!! Song is truly a journey! This site badly needs a robot emoji!
  12. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    its been an actual year since i became a Charli XCX fan! shout out too youtube introducing me to POP 2 via recommended videos!
  13. FOR REAL Gia was serving the LEWKS and the ATTITUDE. I was so here for it!!!
  14. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    I read about this in my psychology class (about why we like the music we like). I thought it was so interesting too,how are we make and solidify neurological pathways. So we are more likely to branch into other genre if it has some similarities from our own preferences. another thing he should have talked about should have been about cognitive fatigue from listening to the same song over and over again and how pop music popularity tends to be popular for years and then dies down a little and then comes back. but he really is trying not to come off as a music snob when he very much is omg, from the title to some remarks but i guess he is just referring to the general popular music. like music has never been so diverse and so easy to find. another thing that i did not agree with him about how people are not experimenting with different instruments and techniques. I know software is very popular but even then it opens up infinite possibilities for different sounds. another thing that seemed really sketchy was the lyrics things. about how hard it is to understand, lyrics intelligence lol i think this would be something really subjective because this is only one dimension bout the lyrics. its also how the lyrics are placed in the melody (something charli is a GENIUS AT imo). Not to mention the emergence of rap. the MOST ironic thing about this video is that he mentions that we shouldn't be so complacent about music and expect more diversity when he still listens to the same old music when ALL he has to do is just LOOK online Like he is part of the problem. Plenty artist out there that don't follow the industry standard that he is talking about making music and yet he doesn't listen to them. reading the comments in the video are giving me flashbacks from hanging out with other Bjork fans in IRL, so dumb because bjork has a really diverse taste in music and she dislikes music snobs / rant over anyways regarding the music record industry state I agree. They are afraid of how different Charli sounds from the other pop star girls Which really reminded me about what Rina Sawayama says after 4:07 in this video https://youtu.be/vcdKbFvW008?t=247
  15. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    in my opinion the general public will eat up whatever its put in front of them, they are not hard to satisfy. CTMP its marketable, its just a matter of the media/label/radios outlets to push it. but anyways, i wanted to talk about Charli 1999 promo from the label and how it performed. Like I think we can tell that the record label has some confidence in Charli since the website and the CEO or someone said that she has a new album coming out next year. So do we think the company is satisfied with 1999? I think they are the ones that are putting in on the radio right? idk how these things work. This is me being optimistic maybe even if they dont get as much as they wanted from 1999 maybe they will give her a reasonable money allocated for her, like instead of funding a super big tour and everything they do something more in the middle range, like have her perform in big ass cities around some continents, release some merch ect. I think one of the reasons Charli is being very careful is because maybe she feels that they might not green-light something makes, and loves. Because the label will get super in her business if it is an album.
  16. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    she is just torturing trolling us
  17. Vulnicura


    soo its no surprise our queen got nominated as she always does (except for her Debut album). her era's dont feel complete without a grammy nomination/not winning said nomination. since award seasons are upon us can someone please post that video of her winning i think it was a BRIT award. the one where the lorde or lana fans went crazy on twitter over bjork winning LOL pls shes too cute!!! Vulnicura honestly deserved this. so proud of our baby girl getting recognition for one of her best albums
  18. Vulnicura


    YASS but also what is a double remix album lol
  19. Vulnicura


    IMMATERIAL! also is sophie really releasing a remix of Peals Undersides on christmas or is it just a meme? where did we hear she has a remix of her first album coming out on christmas?
  20. Vulnicura

    Rina Sawayama

    Her new song flicker is such a cute little bop, I can't believe how many artist i've started listening to thanksto Charli XCX <3
  21. Vulnicura

    LIZ Y2K

    omg i really dont know how to use the search feature in this forum but yes i love LIZ i am obsessed and upset that she's been around since forever but her library is so small all of her discography has been growers for me but FUCK she got me now! It was thanks to Rina Sawayama Sophie Ayana that I finally got into her sound.
  22. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    we stan a fucking beauty!
  23. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    speaking of her hits i fucking love her live boom clap and fancy edit
  24. Vulnicura

    Ayesha Erotica

    this bitch would have BLOWN UP in the myspace era love her sound
  25. Vulnicura

    LIZ Y2K

    I couldn't find a LIZ thread through search but sorry if there is one! Anyways Miss LIZ makes pop, eletronic, and r&b sounding music. Think late 90s and early 00s. ITS GREAT reminds me of Rina Sawayama, someone should prolly make a thread for her too! lol She is under DIPLOS Mad Decent and Prescription Songs record label or something like that Most known for this song. It was featured in a samsung commercial and some show (produced by Sophie) one of my favorite and one off her more R&N songs
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