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Everything posted by Fireffie

  1. Good morning everyoneeee I’m so excited for todaaaay the last hours when waiting for something are always the worst
  2. I also live in Europe, in Italy! Yeah I remember too last time I ordered (Chemtrails era) it was 5€ for me but now the lowest option is 12€
  3. Does anybody remember any discount code/promo that is still available ? Like LDR10 etc. (On a side note I can’t believe her French store is now charging 10€ more for shipping …)
  4. Fireffie

    Alexandra Savior

    https://www.instagram.com/p/Cokyy2hroB9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Someone commented that she might want to release her record a bit later because of Lana. Because both Zach Dawes and Drew Erickson worked on Ocean Blvd and Alexandra’s next record, maybe they’re waiting until Lana is done with her promo so they can start with Alexandra (and if you think about it they both have the same type of fans so if Alexandra were to release something near Ocean Blvd she would get way less streams)
  5. makes so much sense and fits her style. Maybe it could have been a reference to The Greatest “L.A. is in flames, it’s getting hot” and explains why there’s a city in flames behind her in the cover
  6. I’ve recently picked up Animal Crossing NH after a year ☠️ and I can’t agree more with what all you have said. Although I do not think it’s a cashgrab, when you really get into it there’s a ton of content (I think terraforming alone is worth the game, you’re literally editing a world at your convenience, and I’m sure it wasn’t easy at all to develop), but I’m still disappointed at all the things they left out. I really don’t understand: how difficult it is to just copy and paste a tree and put some bananas??? we’re literally on an island hello??? It also still makes me angry how we never got an update for Nook’s Cranny (and if I remember correctly I think someone even found out in the code of the game that the shop was supposed to have an update) – like okay I get it we’re on an island, you can’t just build a mall out of nowhere but still… I really love this game and there are some things, like for example the decoration system and the DLC, that surprised me a lot in a positive way, but I feel they could have done a lot more. I’ve been playing since day one but I think at this point I’m just gonna reset everything and start again cause I get so bored now (it’ll be tough to say goodbye to my girl Phoebe) I still have some hope tho that when a new Switch 2 comes out maybe they’ll do a last update, who knows…
  7. I don’t know if these ship to Turkey, but as an European I buy from: jpc.de HHV.de fnac.com discotecalaziale.com spindizzyrecords.com (unfortunately the shipping prices of some of these are high but it’s better than to pay extra fees from the UK/US) also you could try to see if there’s a record shop near you and ask them if they have something/can make some orders for you :)!
  8. Yeah I’ve noticed the increase in prices too.. It’s really crazy, you can’t find anymore a 1LP record for less than 30€ nowadays. For the green pressing of Ocean Blvd I had to pay 50€ from a shop from my own country!! It’s got to the point that I only pre-order the albums that I know I will 100% like and I just wait for the others to go on sale. In the past I used to buy more randomly but now I just can’t afford it anymore so I stick to the artists I’m really fan of :/
  9. right!! The glam makeup, the hair, the gold earrings maybe this was right after a photoshoot? I really hope so
  10. Idk if anyone already mentioned it but I think the new cover will just be a slipcase with the standard black cover in it. Recently I’ve noticed that now a lot of artists are releasing records in slipcases and they are referring to them as “boxset”…. so yeah I don’t want to get my hopes too up.
  11. Tbh in Europe it always comes out in the afternoon. The merch always dropped around 6/7 pm for us. The only time being different, I remember it was when Chemtrails was released along with LDR Village and everything dropped around 6-8 am
  12. which one are you talking about? FNAC has the red one, and the green one is available on FNAC belgique, Lana’s Dutch store and Discoteca Laziale (Italy) so far
  13. So.... Any news on this? Wasn't this supposed to come out in June? I've seen nothing about it
  14. There's her official store but if you're from the EU I would avoid it since you have to pay extra taxes+fees (even her German store ships from the UK) Other than that it's available on jpc.de (I think it sold out now, but there was a restock earlier), this Irish store https://www.towerrecords.ie/product/MARINA_THEDIAMONDS_ELECTRAHEART[PLATINUMBLONDEEDITION][MAGENTAVINYL]/898687 and on Amazon UK, FR, DE, IT, ES (it isn't available as of now tho, but will be shortly). Since it's a wide release I think it's going to be available on other websites like Fnac etc too!
  15. Apparently some people are seeing an ad on Spotify for "Electra Heart Platinum Blonde Edition" Could be fake but who knows.. Fingers crossed (considering how she randomly dropped EH merch in 2019 I hope she's going to do something for the anniversary)
  16. Fireffie

    Alexandra Savior

    She started recording it a year ago and it seems she has finished it, but I think she's low on money + isn't signed to a record label so it must be tough for her doing everything alone I hope that maybe when she goes on tour this May she'll drop a new single
  17. Loving the new ep!! My favourite is High Alone, I was so obsessed when it came out and still am. I wish she didn't put The Great Hope Design cause it kinda ruins the mood of the ep for me tbh but all the other songs are so enjoyable!
  18. I'm heartbroken 💔. I bought the tickets back in summer 2019 and wanted to see them so bad, I just hope there's gonna be another time :/
  19. I just checked and this one is reserved only to people who live in France
  20. I haven't listened to Born To Die in years so today I sat down with my hot cup of tea and listened to it on vinyl and wow... when Video Games came on I started crying. I remember listening to in for the first time back in August 2012 (I was 13 back then) and staying up all night just listening to it like for 5 hours straight ahaha, now I'm 22 and this album for real shaped me and helped me so much during my teenage years, This is What Makes Us Girl was there for me when nobody else wasn't. I could go on forever writing how much iconic it is but I just hope that Lana knows and acknowledges how much this album means to me, to you all and to the whole fan base, she really changed the music industry that day, Happy Birthday Born To Die ❤️
  21. I was thinking about this: We all know Lana and Alessandro Michele (creative director for Gucci) are great friends: Gucci Guilty, Met Gala etc We also know that there are gonna be Gucci custom designed packaging for that whole Interscope 30th anniversary; and idk if someone here remembers but back in December Billie Eilish (who's also signed under Interscope) randomly dropped those beautiful recycled vinyl boxset with Gucci... So what if there's a chance that we get a BTD x Gucci boxset?? I mean I know it's impossibile knowing Lana, but I think Gucci would be a perfect match for the Born To Die aesthetic and gosh I would die for something like this
  22. High Alone is so good omg??? I wasn't too much of a fan of The Great Hope Design but this one is sooo catchy
  23. So excited!!!!! This is the first time after years that I'm watching a red carpet live omg I can't wait to see how Lana's dressed!! I feel like a teenager again when I used to be so obsessed with my favs
  24. Finally listened to Happy Loner and I like it a lot wow, I love the lyrics way more than half of ADIAML lyrics lol. Sad that she didn't include it in the standard version but at least it got released, now I can't wait to hear Pink Convertible
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