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Everything posted by Fireffie

  1. Has anyone got any news on the picture disc from the Italian web store? It’s the only variant left I have to get and they didn’t send me a single update
  2. my red honeymoon has a ton of surface noise too, I don’t mind it usually but with this one you can hear it on every single song so loudly. As far as I know I would say 90% of people who bought this variant had the same issue cause everyone complained about it. as for the other Lana’s records they all sound good to me, except Chemtrails (especially the beige one) which seems as if it’s an acoustic album, you can barely hear the instrumentals and her voice is muffled edit: just wanted to add that I have a good record player and I keep all my records in anti static sleeves + clean them before each use, so I doubt the fault is on my part
  3. Was this at the pop up? Cause it’s different from the original
  4. Today both my green and red variant arrived in my city but because it’s the weekend I have to wait until Monday to have them delivered to me
  5. I agree with him about the outro: the last song of this record should have been Grandfather or Let The Light In, as Jon said all the others seems as if they’re bonus tracks like in a deluxe
  6. It’s me, hi JON BATISTE INTERLUDE #1 STAN I don’t know there’s something about this interlude that makes me feel like I’m watching a private moment of someone’s life on film. I love so much Lana’s laugh in this and Jon’s singing + the instrumentals might be my favourite of the whole record I’ve had this interlude on loop all morning
  7. Just listened to the full album on white vinyl with headphones (I got mine from the Italian web store - made in Czech Republic) literally not a single scratch/glitch/problem, it was perfect and way much clearer than on streaming. For all the people complaining about the crackling: yes you can hear it a bit on the more acoustic songs - Sweet, The Grants etc, but that’s completely normal, that’s how a vinyl sounds like (unless you hear it all the time and on top of the song, that’s not normal). The only thing I have to complain about is that side A seems to sound way much lower than on streaming platforms (especially AW I had troubles hearing it even with all the volume up) I’ve even read someone comparing it to Chemtrails….. hell no, my copy of Chemtrails sounds like it was acoustic and this one it’s perfect anyways I’ve ordered all the variants so as soon as they will arrive here I’ll let you know which one sounds the best
  8. I don’t have a scanner but this is the best I could do (sorry for the cross but she literally has a nipple out and I know we can’t post nudes)
  9. same 😭😭 I just unboxed mine and it really triggers me that the center lable is so brown ugh. it is high quality tho can’t wait to spin it
  10. Yeah I didn’t mean that anyone who listens on streaming is a casual listeners, but most of them who are won’t go under the surface to understand what she really meant (while if you are a fan of hers it’s pretty obvious that she’s talking about her mother). I think she censored it because it’s still pretty controversial in our society to say bad things about mothers, even if you have the worst mother on earth there a lot of people who will still say things like “well she gave birth to you, she gave you this, that etc” and won’t understand. So maybe the reason why she did that it’s because she didn’t want casual people to make assumptions about her life when they know nothing about her history. idk maybe I’m over analysing it but I don’t think it was random
  11. My theory is that since it’s a very sensitive topic and she says pretty bad stuff, she simply didn’t want to casual listeners (who will listen only on streaming services) to know that it’s her mother she’s talking about
  12. Omg!! She always had the best photoshoots for LesInrocks , any idea where to buy this if you don’t live in France?
  13. Can we talk about how superior the instrumentals are on the interludes?? Why the hell didn’t she use them on her own songs
  14. Idk if this was already mentioned but the pic we all thought was an edit (and then confirmed to be real) is now on Apple Music!
  15. Ok so I’m not the only one… there were some parts that were kinda glitchy idk what happened
  16. For the people who already have the coloured pressings, did you try to hold it up in front of a light? Are they marbled like Chemtrails?
  17. I haven't listened to the leaks but I must confess I've been peeking at your spoilers tag from time to time and I'm soooo excited, especially for the lyrcis. I'm a sound first, lyrics second type of fan but this time I'm way more intrigued to read what she has to say (based on your reviews), some of the lyrics you have shared are breath-taking! 3 hours left
  18. THIS IS GORGEOUS WHAT THE HECK we’ve been robbed, imagine this being the cover of the white vinyl…
  19. Same for me! I just wanted to check some things and it’s all gone. I remember with Chemtrails they dropped everything at midnight (Los Angeles Time / 7AM GMT) when the album got released so maybe that means just a few hours left for the next drop!
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