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Everything posted by slasherflicks

  1. This game's OST and radio stations are really so top tier, it's insane
  2. slasherflicks


    Deluxe coming in two days!!!!!
  3. L*ak the Don't Forget video.
  4. slasherflicks

    Charli XCX

    Celebrating 6k by revisiting this bop!!!!!!
  5. slasherflicks

    Charli XCX

    Lana's is pretty unmatched. Also just way more talented of a lyricist (sorry Charles)
  6. I still cannot fucking believe we haven't gotten the Don't Forget video I mean, I can believe it, but...y'know
  7. Gaga as Poison Ivy > Gaga as Harley Quinn
  8. Okay I know this isn't the be-all-end-all solution to label issues but If she really cares about her craft why doesn't she take a page out of the Charli XCX textbook & release material as mixtapes? Like I'm sure it would be more profitable by ANY margin rather than just shelving everything & fading into obscurity like she's doing now
  9. It was my junior year of high school and I was really into my tumblr/pitchfork/theneedledrop era of discovering new music & I heard Lost In My Bedroom and it was just absurdly cool to me for whatever reason. Then NTMT dropped and I really became obsessed. It came out like right when I got my first car so I would just drive around at night for no reason and blast it in rotation with a bunch of other stuff. Favorite songs are 99 Tears, One, EIE, Nobody Asked Me, Can't Say No To Myself. Release the fucking album, Sky. If your girl Charli can circumvent her label's bullshittery by releasing albums as """"mixtapes"""" so can you.
  10. slasherflicks

    Charli XCX

  11. Sky is the George RR Martin of pop music if you really think about it
  12. My birthday is the 13th & all I want is new Lana
  13. Even if the music video was released RIGHT NOW it'd still be too fucking late tbh.
  14. It came on shuffle & reminded me how underrated this album was
  15. slasherflicks

    Charli XCX

  16. slasherflicks

    Charli XCX

    Waiting for the day she performs H&E or Super Ultra tracks live
  17. Her two new snippets sound CUTE & I just know somewhere K*m P*tras is sweating over the Slut Pop residuals she's gonna have to pay
  18. Truth is Sky fucked up her own career regardless of label interference, there's countless indie acts pop or otherwise that have released DISCOGRAPHIES in between her >5 single drops since her last album album released in Twenty-fucking-Thirteen. There really is no excuse for her. She should've just done what Charli did & released albums and just marketed them as mixtapes. I'm a Sky fan sine 99 Tears & will still listen to whatever she puts out, but she herself is dumb and it's sad to see her own career be self-sabotaged
  19. Innocent Kind sounds cute. Can't wait to hear it in two years
  20. We're really only going to get the DF video when she releases another single
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