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Everything posted by Elle

  1. Well this could be false news to get clout, but this TikTok showed up on my FYP last night claiming that Lana and Jeremy are buying a house in Louisiana -
  2. My weapon: Banning all the zombies like
  3. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    Exciting news! Both our main @lanaboards and backup @lanaboards.ig accounts on Instagram were restored today! Looking forward to continuing to update fans on those pages after several months of both being suspended
  4. This morning, actress Michelle Trachtenberg, known for her roles in Gossip Girl and Buffy the Vampire Slayer among numerous other projects, passed away at age 39. She was discovered at 8am by her mother at her apartment in New York City. While an autopsy has not been performed and a cause of death has not been released, it has been reported that she recently underwent a liver transplant and may have been experiencing complications. Her death is not being investigated as suspicious and is believed to be from natural causes. May she rest in peace. Very devastated by this news source
  5. Chaparelle just announced their debut album ‘Western Pleasure’ set to release on April 18th! It’s available for pre-order now and the first 250 orders of the vinyl bundle come with a signed poster. Got mine secured! Tracklist: Bleeding Hearts Devil's Music Inside The Lines Bad Loving Playing Diamonds Cashing Checks Heart Broke Holiday Baby Jesus All Things Considered Sex And Rage Love Is Hot Dance With Somebody (Whitney Houston cover) All of the songs they performed at their shows last year, and Heart Broke Holiday is the one I’m most excited to hear again. It was absolutely beautiful. They also released their next single 'Inside The Lines' today, and that was another one of my faves, but tbh the live version outsold a bit because Zella really let loose with her vocals during the performance. Still love it though, it's very groovy. More tour dates were also just announced for next year as well, and I can’t wait to see them again! x
  6. Lana has been shopping at XIV Karats for many years, and a fun fact I just discovered the other day, one of the jewelers there is one of the 9 followers that follows Lana’s notoriouswhitegirl instagram account lol. Lana was actually spotted there on Valentine’s Day last year, so maybe Jeremy arranged for her to pick up a bracelet there as a Valentine’s gift if they had already reconnected by then. I also like the friendship bracelet with Jen theory though! Either way, the bracelet does seem to have some significance to her since she wears it alllll the time x
  7. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Life is Beautiful vs Hollywood's Dead (Final Version)
  8. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    God Knows I Tried vs Kintsugi
  9. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    Didn't even think to check that, thank you! I'm a little surprised we don't have more screencaptures of it over the years. Also I just came across this old post from @Dua Lipa confirming 12 people who were following the account in 2018, I've gone ahead and added asterisks (*) next to people who do not follow it anymore as of today, only half of this list are still following: Another confirmed follower I'm able to see by mutual followings is Katie Fine Hoff (@ktfine) so that means 7/9 followers are accounted for.. only 2 remain unknown it seems x (I think it's kind of funny that Nikki Lane used to be a follower but isn't anymore, they initially met in 2014 and reconnected in 2019, so I assume Nikki unfollowed/was removed during those in-between years)
  10. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    Well yes, we know that the number was also 9 in 2023 as well as 2024 and now. This tweet from 2021 shows 10. Either way, I don’t think it’s ever had more than 14 total followers from what I can find, and the number has been decreasing over the years x
  11. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    From this tweet, it had 9 followers as of 2023, but at one point had 14 so she either removed followers or people unfollowed. I don’t remember it ever having a lot of followers though. One of the people who followed the account who no longer does is her old hair colourist Marc Ramos (he did her iconic auburn colour in 2011-2012) I follow him and he used to show up in the “followed by” section but doesn’t anymore and if you check his following he doesn’t follow the account. So that’s one example of someone she either removed or he unfollowed. She’s been seeing Tracey Cunningham for her colour now since 2016 x https://x.com/lanardelgay/status/1667633205057339393?s=46 I will say though, Lana does have another secret privated Instagram account that she’s been using since 2018. She said in an interview in 2019 that she had “one trap account” so she was most likely referring to that (I’m not going to name it though because I’ve never seen anyone ever talk about it and I wouldn’t want a bunch of fans bombarding the account with messages and follow requests, and for anyone who does know what I’m talking about, I would advise you to keep it private since that seems to be the intention.) I discovered the account in 2021 after it showed up under the “people you may know” section since I follow a lot of her friends and team members and they follow the account, which is why I assume it’s hers. I check it every now and then, and the followers, following, and posts on it do continuously rise. That one does have a closer following count to what you stated, so perhaps you’re thinking of that one if you happen to know about it (again I would not advise anyone to share the name if anyone else does know it as I haven’t seen a single person mention it ever) x
  12. I do agree, my first thought is that they looked really thick and uneven skkkk. The design is very pretty, but the acrylic itself doesn’t look well done, if I must be honest. My girl June that I’ve been seeing every month for the past 12 years never does me dirty xx (fun fact I actually have a conspiracy theory that my nail tech is the same one Lana used to see in her Lizzy days, honestly backed by pretty solid evidence, however I’ll never know for certain bc she doesn’t speak the best English and I always feel so bad bombarding her with random questions about my theory Skfndks. But what she has answered… good evidence!!) I take my nails very seriously too. Last summer I procrastinated getting my nails done until the day before I went on a beach trip with a friend and June unfortunately wasn’t working that day so I had to see someone else and ohhhh my god that will be the last time I ever cheat on her again bc I hated these so much LMAOOO. Again loved the design, but the sculpt of the acrylic was a mess. Uneven, too thick, polish didn’t reach the cuticle so they already looked grown out on the day I got them, just a disaster. Learned my lesson good on that one to never ever cheat on your nail tech xx A Taco Bell wrapper being the backdrop in this… fitting honestly x
  13. I think she meant that the nail technician Dat was there [at the salon] all the time. I have been wondering about that bracelet though as she’s consistently been wearing it on her right wrist since April of last year. It’s clearly very special to her! x
  14. Yesterday, Lana Del Rey had her nails done at Tin Nails Spa in Metairie, Louisiana.
  15. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    A&W vs West Coast
  16. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Off to the Races vs Pretty When You Cry
  17. Wait… brilliant Us Elles take our fashion very seriously!! & perhaps I should begin my lawyer journey after all xx No, as far as I know, none of my ~150 pieces have actually been worn by Lana. Unless somehow she ever donated/sold her clothes and they eventually made their way into my hands, they’ve all just been identical matches. But I have clothes spanning all the way back to the Lizzy days, so who knows! I would love for her to do another pop-up like that again though and I’d be there in a heartbeat. It’s definitely a bucket list wish of mine to own a piece she’s actually worn. Even though I have a massive LDR collection in general, the clothes are my favourite thing to collect because I can actually wear them rather than having them sit on a shelf lol. My natural style anyway is pretty dresses (I don’t own a single pair of pants, I’m not kidding) and the dresses Lana has worn are gorgeous, so it makes it even more special and sensical for me to collect them! x I must admit, I am a bit disappointed they didn’t delay the auction until after confirming the authenticity. I’m just hoping no one bids or it’s able to be pulled in time before the auction ends if it does turn out to be a fake. They do state in their terms though that they provide limited guarantees for authenticity, so I assume if a winning bidder determines an item is inauthentic after the sale that they’d be able to return the item and have their purchase refunded. Still no follow-up from them yet as I assume they’re still trying to get ahold of the consignor and reauthenticate, but will let you all know as soon as I hear something x
  18. Again, I don’t believe it’s the auction’s house intent to scam, but rather the consignor’s. The auction house would be partially at fault though for failing to accurately authenticate the item. Which, I understand the dress does look similar enough, but it really wasn’t that difficult to notice the discrepancies even with just the pictures of Lana wearing it onstage compared to the photo of the dress they received. It doesn’t take an expert-level Lana fan to notice fabric print differences lol. Though at the end of the day, even if the main moral responsibility lies with the consignor aka owner of the item, since the auction house also profits from this as well, they do have a moral duty to at least guarantee the items received from consignors are authentic, or at least declare uncertainty. Meanwhile, this auction house is offering two authentication letters even though the item doesn’t appear to actually be authentic (noting here that it still hasn’t been confirmed to be fake, but it really does seem likely.) I actually had a friend who sold two memorabilia items through an auction house recently, but he went the extra mile himself to personally guarantee the items were authentic before having them listed. One he was already certain about since it was a signed photo he received personally from an artist addressed to him, but he still got it authenticated anyway for the certificate. The second was a signed band poster that he received as a gift, but wasn’t sure of the authenticity. He took it to two authenticators who both said the signatures were likely forged, so he didn't intend on selling it, but upon mentioning it to the auction house they still offered to sell it with a lower starting bid due to lack of authentication.. but again, it was pretty much already confirmed to be fake Anyway, he made some good money off of the first item, but withheld the other. It just kind of goes to show that these auction houses may not always be reliable, but at the end of the day, it’s the consignor’s intentions that really matter and are the real scammers if an item isn’t really authentic. I hate to be such a super skeptic raining on the parade, but again I don’t want any Lipsters to be scammed in case this dress isn’t the original, which I’m really feeling like it isn’t x
  19. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    Plssss this is insane fckn brilliant though. I can’t believe you actually found something out of this LOOOL between this and the dress investigation, nothing gets past us Lipsters x
  20. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    As @Embach said, unfortunately both of the LanaBoards Instagram pages were suspended, so we’ve retired from the platform. You can find us on the following: Twitter/X: @lanaboards Bluesky: @lanaboards.com TikTok: @lanaboards.tiktok Not much going on on those pages at the moment though since news is slow x
  21. Well, the auction is now live… still haven’t heard another follow-up response from them yet following their initial reply to me stating they’re looking into the matter, but I assume they’re trying to get ahold of the consignor and waiting for their response. The auction will last for over two weeks though, so hopefully they can pull it down in time if it turns out to be a fake even if people begin to bid. Again, will keep you all updated x
  22. I have one friend who is a working attorney, another friend who is in law school, and a friend who has worked as a paralegal for well over a decade, so I feel like I’m an honourary lawyer at this point from all of the knowledge they have bestowed upon me over the years That being said, no one ever try to come for me… I’m backed by the best, it’s a promise not a threat xx With my expert-level Lana knowledge also in tow, I feel like I could be a pretty reliable third-party authenticator too. I’m literally going to tell this auction house that if they ever have another consignor with a Lana piece they want to sell to feel free to consult with me LMAO I mean as someone who owns ~150 ASO Lana pieces, I feel I’m as knowledgable as it gets in this niche xx
  23. Update, I heard back from the auction house a few minutes ago saying that they will check with the team as well as consignor of the dress, and thanked me for bringing my concern to their attention. So, this confirms that the dress is being sold on consignment, meaning someone who owns the dress reached out to the auction house with the dress to be sold through the auction on the owner’s behalf, and the profit will be divided between the owner and the auction house. Honestly, that only adds to my suspicion as this could easily be someone who bought another version of this dress and is trying to scam some money through a fraudulent sale. This also makes me more concerned about some of the other dresses the auction house sold that are common finds, because as @ultrablvd and @longtimeman noted, unless the piece came directly from a reliable source such as Lana herself or a team-member or is a piece that’s either one of a kind or has some unique identifying detail (such as an authentic signature, alteration, or pattern placement like in this scenario) how can it truly be reliably authenticated? It’s also interesting that three of the commonly-found pieces were sold in 2016, because that was a pretty prominent year for LDR dress collectors. There was a whole little Instagram community of dress collectors during that time that I was a part of where we would all help each other identify brands and source dresses for our collections and share our new finds with each other. We would sell and trade with each other too. It’s the year I personally bought both of those Topshop dresses that the auction house also sold, and I know other collectors were sourcing them around then too again since it was a pretty big time for collecting. Again, it just makes me suspicious that since these dresses are being sold through consignment, that the consignors could’ve just been random people scamming with other versions of the dresses they found. Anyway, I will continue to keep you all updated, but it seems now they are working on verifying the authenticity of the dress with the discrepancies I shared with them - the signature, altered sleeves, and overall pattern. Hopefully this matter gets sorted before the auction is due to go live, or they delay it until it can be 100% verified x
  24. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    Tired of Singing the Blues vs Drive (Ride demo)
  25. One last interesting note for now, sorry for blowing up this thread today lol, but this auction house has also auctioned 5 of Lana’s other dresses. They sold this one from her 2012 House Festival performance for $2000 in 2016. They did not state how they obtained it nor much info at all about it. This dress is originally from Topshop so it’s a common find, I actually have two of these (bought it in too big of a size initially, I still need to sell off some of my size duplicates) - They sold this one from her 2012 Latitude Festival performance for $1100 also in 2016. They stated they sourced it from a female stylist (interesting because I believe at this point her stylist was Johnny Blue Eyes?) but she wished to be anonymous so they couldn’t provide any documents to support the dress, but still provided their house’s own certificate of authenticity. This one is also a commonly found Topshop dress, another one that I own lol - They sold this dress from her 2012 H&M campaign for $2000 in 2016 again, stating that it’s the one she wore for the photoshoot, but did not state how they obtained it or much information about it. Again, this one was from her H&M campaign, so it was pretty easy to come by - They listed this (actually) vintage dress in 2020 for $600, but it didn’t sell. They stated they obtained it from the pop-up which I can seemingly verify with a photo from the shop where you can see a bit of it in the left edge. Lana was never photographed wearing this though - This one was also listed in 2020 for $1000, but also didn’t sell. They once again stated it was obtained from the pop-up shop, but I cannot personally verify this. I have quite a bit of photos saved of the clothes sold at the pop-up that I just looked through and didn’t see this one; however, I also cannot assume that every item sold was photographed. It’s also signed by Lana, but tbh the signature looks a little suspect to me. Just my opinion, but it does look different from her usual signature, even compared to other dresses she signed from the pop-up. She’s also never been photographed wearing this - Here’s an example of another dress she signed and sold to a fan at the pop-up, which looks much more like her typical signature - Anyway, not sure what to make of all of this lol but it is really interesting that this is now their 6th Lana clothing piece they’ve auctioned, yet I do feel doubtful about the authenticity of some of these x
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