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Everything posted by J.R.OMEGA

  1. I'll offer to buy it off of you tbh. I'll obvi pay for shipping to the States. Doesn't help you very much until it releases tho
  2. Ahhh!!! When did these go up for sale? I have the COCC version from Assai. Weird that this release is for the UK only I was able to order the COCC version and ship to the States before. Yeah, I get that there isn't anything different about this variant, but that OBI strip is a nice touch. As a collector, it's also a nice edition to have, but strictly on a collection level. Where are you seeing these? I have looked on her Dutch site and I don't see them anywhere. Where are the different cassettes?
  3. Still of the belief the delay was because of Miley announcing her new album also dropping the same day. Originally I thought it was because of the "boxset" announcement and more time needed for its production. With no (vinyl) boxset shown at this point, I'm guessing that's not what the delay was about. There is time needed to fulfill preorders and time is ticking on a boxset that isn't disguised as a hoodie/t-shirt & CD bundle.
  4. I'm low-key kinda obsessed with his reactions. Been watching them since he started with NFR. I have a feeling that ULTRAVIOLENCE is going to blow his mind
  5. I'm pretty sure the COCC era was the most I've ever spent on preorders. There were so many different color variations, almost all with that same cover At least this era we are getting different artwork along with the different vinyl variations. I would prefer it to be this way imo. Since I wanted a pic disc and we got that yesterday (yay), I would be the most content with this era if UO had a pastel kinda yellow vinyl to match the font of the standard artwork (I feel like that was a missed opportunity tbh) and a tata vinyl boxset with different artwork. Maybe Lana's tatas wouldn't be plastered across the cover, but the picture she shared clearly showed the pic being used as a vinyl sleeve, maybe inside the boxset or something. That's my 2 cents at least. Of course we all probably want something different and everyone won't always be happy. Overall, I think Lana and her team have done a great job with the different variations this era
  6. Yeah, I'm still holding out there will be a vinyl boxset with the tata vinyl. Not going to lie... I also wished for a Spotify pic disc last week, so my wish came half true at this point. I would of totally wanted a different picture of Lana as the pic disc. Something similar to the pic disc that came out for COCC. The picture they used was one not used on any other variants. I guess I should have been more specific when I was making my wishes last week lol
  7. Spotify Fans First pic disc There are some links a few pages back, but I think the US & Canadian stores have sold out
  8. I check LanaBoards almost every 30mins or so during album pre-releases. The way things drop and sell out so fast, I don't want to miss out on something.
  9. I maintain my collection in mint condition, so I take extra precautions when it comes to pic disc. I carefully remove the LP from the PVC sleeve, place it in a paper sleeve and then return it to the PVC sleeve. I also store my collection in a lightproof box that locks. It's meant for LP records to keep them away from light, dust & heat.
  10. So I was able to score a pic disc from her US store via the link that was shared. I had no issues with the order and I received an email verification afterward. I have yet to get an email from Spotify about this fyi. I was just asking about a Spotify Fans First release last week, so let's hope that vinyl boxset I mentioned at the same time also gets announced 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I would have liked a different cover for the pic disc tbh, but beggars can't be choosers, so I'll take it.
  11. My Lana collection is almost 100% complete. Missing only 2 vinyls (with the exception of ...Ocean Blvd releases). All of my vinyl are stored in locking, light-proof boxes. Away from sunlight, dust and heat exposure. All of them are also sleeved in archival, museum quality, crystal clear 4mm thick oriented polypropylene sleeves for maximum protection.
  12. Why doesn't the US store offer the same vinyl bundle the German store does? That's so aggravating I feel like Stateside fans are getting jipped in some way.
  13. Her UK site is weird. Certain things (physical music) cannot ship to the US, but random merch can. I've ordered stuff and received it, yes. It's the UK exclusive items that can be a real pain in the ass because you have to jump through hoops to get it. Luckily, I have a mate in Manchester, I can send stuff to him that is exclusive and he ships it to me in the States.
  14. This gives me hope there is another drop coming before the album release. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have a vinyl boxset included with the next merch drop
  15. So I got the lighter, necklace & large jacket from her US store. I would have loved to add a vinyl boxset to my order as well. I still have a small glimmer of hope that a vinyl boxset or a picture disc will get announced closer to the album release date. I'm probably just being delusional tbh at this point Good luck to everyone else around the World. Hopefully everyone who is wanting to snatch some new merch goodies gets their wish
  16. Just gonna say... that CD bundle with a hoodie/t-shirt is a crap-shoot of a boxset. That's not what I consider a boxset!! Even on the UK site they refer to it as a "bundle", which is exactly what it is. Definitely gutted that the pic Lana posted on IG when she announced the boxset doesn't even exist Also, how did everything sell out in less than 5mins? Seriously????
  17. I love that the UK site wants to direct me to the US site, where there is no new merch Also, no vinyl boxset in sight only vinyl bundles
  18. Yes we do. One bundle is an ....Ocean Blvd. white t-shirt with a standard CD, and the other is an ...Ocean Blvd black hoodie with the standard CD. Neither of which is the "boxset" I want. Holding out hope there is still something in the pipeline that wasn't shown in that new merch screenshot.
  19. So I am ready for this new merch to drop!! I really want to know if we are getting a true box set or if it's just a t-shirt/CD bundle Also, where is Spotify with their "Fans First" pressing of ...Ocean Blvd? I could really go for a stunning picture disc
  20. Wait... what are you seeing that looks thick? I haven't seen any pics or mock-ups of a box set. The only "boxed" thing I've seen is the t-shirt/hoodie & CD bundle. I'm wanting a vinyl box set, but as far as I know nothing has been confirmed yet. The t-shirt/hoodie & CD bundle might be the "box set" Lana mentioned, we don't know. Though, I'm hoping not. I want a vinyl box set soooo bad!!
  21. This is the pic Lana posted when she announced the "Box Set". This clearly shows the tata pic with a black vinyl. Maybe not the box set cover, but I was def expecting this would be one of the vinyl sleeves in the box set. This pic is why I am hoping there is still more merch coming out at some point. The t-shirt & CD or hoodie & CD is not what I would consider a "box set". That box is more like a bundle packaging. Who knows tho
  22. I'm still holding out hope. When Lana announced the boxset, the tata pic clearly showed a black vinyl with it. Edit: I wish I had the pic to post for reference, but I don't...
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