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Everything posted by SylviaPlath

  1. it's dark but just a game so play it like a symphony... you know our loves insane, we'll both go down in infamy HOLLLYYYYYYYYYYY FUCKKLFNVLKNLEKNRVLKENRLKNVLEKNRLNVELKNRV
  2. im literally having a fit is it not out on spotify for anyone else
  3. Australian friends, this looks like our best bet: https://www.booktopia.com.au/untitled-sr-1-to-be-confirmed-simon-schuster/book/9781760858919.html I wonder when it will be available for pre-order.
  4. She definitely seems off in that video. Not talking how she usually does. Also she kept fixing her hair anxiously. I'm genuinely kind of worried about her. I think this is getting to her. Also... Chemtrails Over the Country Club? That's a tasteless title, even for Lana's standards.
  5. She unfollowed honeymouns on insta as well, even though they aren't even a part of that gc apparently. Wtf is going on
  6. I really doubt she would tell a fan to go fuck themselves like that without being genuinely provoked. They aren't posting the rest of the conversation for a reason.
  7. holy hell lana what is going ON https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgqP9gBIis/
  8. I honestly think a lot of this drama comes down to Lana's wording and how its been misconstrued. If she had started the post with the thesis instead of name dropping those singers people might not be overreacting right now. Unfortunately Lana has a very train-of-thought style of writing that follows emotions instead of logic, and although I think almost everyone would agree with what she's trying to say, using those artist's names and acting massively on the defence is causing damage. Part of me is glad though. If we lose all the fans that close their ears when she sings UV, then good.
  9. Melon's video is actually really good. Even though he heavily criticised her for BTD and UV, he actually manages to understand her point pretty well. So why can't the entirety of twitter lmao
  10. I've literally been off this forum for a century but I'm back because she's doing something. The cover gives me CMBYN vibes. I think it will be like that; hazy and nostalgic, kind of like the lyrics of HTD. Anyway, I'm keen. I really thought she'd died.
  11. I'm glad they didn't try and put Lana in a weird situation that didn't suit her, like with Miley beating the dude in the boxing ring; only Miley could do smth like that. Just having her throwing knives and sitting sexily around that fire was enough for her to steal the show.
  12. California HAS to be about Barrie. It's sure as hell not about Francesco (the lyrics just don't make sense, and considering how they ended, I highly doubt she feels that much compassion towards him). I don't think anyone else from Lana's past is in the realm of possibility, unless she managed to keep it super private. I genuinely hope she and Barrie work it out; I actually really liked them together and she always looked so happy in the Summer Wine video.
  13. SylviaPlath


    We'll do whatever you want, travel wherever, how far We'll hit up all the old places We'll have a party, we'll dance till dawn I'll pick up all of your folks and all of your Rolling Stones Your favorite liquor off the top-shelf I'll throw a party, all night long
  14. I have literally almost 0 problems with this album... just fucking one.... WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE JINGLE CHRISTMAS BELLS IN THE SECOND HALF OF HTD SERIOUSLY JACK WTAF
  15. I know some people on this site cringe at the mention of him, but what do we think Melon will be scoring it? I don't think he'll like HTD or TNBAR but other than that I think it'll be pretty positive. Maybe a 7 or even an 8....
  16. The fact that I was so emo about leaving behind the deranged companionship of lurking on the NFR pre-release thread for the long months while we waited and now it's already started again I -
  17. also... is the reason the delay on NFR was because she was working on another album? omg this bitch i can't
  18. oh my god please i've barely gotten a handle on my NFR pre release thread ptsd
  19. omg my clown ass thinking NFR was the last album for at least a while
  20. 1989 is a great pop album, I won't deny it, but other than that Taylor is the most overrated, annoying, and frankly childish artist in the pop industry. I genuinely feel embarrassed when ME! or that other lgbt woke song comes on at work, I cannot fathom how anyone above the age of 13 can enjoy it
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