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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Venice

    Lil Peep

    Such a bizarre song, I love it
  2. Damn, this is how my life is too *hugs* I really wish she released VfR as a single
  3. Has anyone gone off about Nectar of the Gods? Meaning-wise. Bc I initially thought it was a sex song (I get wild on you, fucking crazy... ) and drugs but also sadness of lost time and ppl etc, but like maybe not. Maybe it's way deeper. That song is so beautiful, it's too much for my mind to process. I thought I was being sexy and sent it to a boyfriend when it first leaked (with my sexual interpretation at the time lmao), but then he responded with a highly depressing song and I was like??
  4. When you're just chilling, like driving or walking or cleaning honestly whatever, and then Lana's music suddenly hits like a drug Blue... beaches, ballerinas, bitches n banisters
  5. Nothing against her but yeah, I can't stand her music because the amount of cheese and corn in each song is gonna give me a stroke And when he very obviously ripped off XXXTentacion's hit song Look At Me, got called out for it, and claimed he didn't even know who X was lmao. The list is endless.
  6. Omg, did she do smthn this year or? I've always been into her I mean, she's hot as hell lol but I never looked into her life etc.
  7. Interestinggggg. It actually wasn’t until joining here that I realized people really listen to entire albums in order of the tracklist, and therefore really care for cohesiveness etc. I mean it’s great if it’s nice and cohesive, but I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a whole album in order. For me, I like what I like and I skip what I skip 🥺 I go back and forth, side to side, up and down I also don’t pay attention to the general album story by listening to tracks in order, I just focus on tracks as individual works.
  8. I came across this old "coverage" article on Lana. Some quotes from it (separated by color): So tbh Who cares what the media says about BB cause lmfao in general bby girl can't even in peace
  9. Omg, but your mind toooooo! Thank you SM for dropping these titles!
  10. I live in Canada, but if they ship all the way here, then probably to the US too! French is official here though so I did do the whole transaction in French, idk if that makes a difference (though I guess you could just translate the pages to English) I'd go ahead and try
  11. I just can't get into CoCC The only song I adore from it is White Dress. Every other album, there are always a bunch of songs I love, sometimes every single one, so it was a really strange exp. I think the country vibes were off putting for me to begin with and kinda ruined things some more (like I already didn't like the CoCC aesthetic, official album cover, album title, even her main CoCC hairstyle and idek), sigh. It's my least fave era and album by her, like at the very bottom, which is sorta shocking. My dark lil heart was pleased to see her skip over that era with barely any acknowledgement as I just wanted it to all end (omg I'm rly going off lmfao) anyway I can't see it growing on me in the future either, buuuut who knows - I wasn't into NFR when it came out but then fell deep in love after and now I'm mad at myself that I didn't enjoy the era as much as I could have, so...! What makes me feel better is that I like and use the CoCC theme on LB, so like, I can't be that cold
  12. Love youuuuu I just finished purchasing it from there tysm!!!!
  13. Signed art cards (USA, not mine). They can differ so much! So pretty. I'm so excited
  14. LOL idk what I expected, but not that. ily Sooo beautiful! What a serene setting. I wish I was a calm enough person for stuff like this
  15. Oh yeah! I'm gonna frame it and probably ascend to heaven for a few days Tysm!! <33
  16. Omg same!! Silver pen + full siggy manifestation + erasure of the half siggy from our minds
  17. This time around?! I've never been able to snatch one in my life lmao I couldn't this time either - made me so sad, so I said fuck it and turned to a psycho scalper, with his psycho pricing and bled out my wallet (and all of those sold out omg, so I know others bled out too lmaooo ). So if I wanna cry, I cry girl
  18. Wow, that's a lotta upcoming tears (probably including mine)
  19. Mannn, I hope I get the signed art card with her whole name, the time when her soul still had some life left Now this waiting game feels like a PG version of russian roulette bc you just never know with this bih
  20. It's the middle of the night and I'm wondering about how tall Lana is? I always thought 5'6 but maybe she's 5'5 or even 5'8 or? Does anyone know? ♪ "I'm leavin' them as I was, five foot eight" ???¿¿¿ I'm 5'6.5 and thought she was around that too?? dkfjnksdu
  21. Exactly! I may not be in love with every single Lana sound (like not even everyone likes BB, we are aaall different and it's fine ), but I still always want her to do what she wants, 100%. And she might as well, since she can't please us all anyway lmao
  22. Wait, really? I thought Dealer was trending all over Tik Tok by the general public?? It also performed significantly better than any of the other recent BB song uploads on her YT (not including the MVs, of course) hm, idk I just had the impression the song was big, but maybe not
  23. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    Aww, love you Elle Some years ago one night I read through so many if not all of your tweets, bc I felt each one pierce through my soul May your pure lil heart find nothing but happiness and good things, good people in the future <3 I'm so thankful for that livestream too. I'm just so happy that unlike so many too-good-for-you out of touch type of celebs, that Lana actually feels, and feels so much. She even boldly talked about being sensitive in that stream and it was just so human, honest and beautiful.
  24. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    I've been deep in love unlike ever before with someone in the past, to where nobody else in my life could see just what kinda magic I saw in that "ordinary" person, with some even being confused about it all. But he was so shiny in my eyes... Looking back, even I can't explain it or put it into words, but it was how it was. Life passed us by, we went too fast, we crashed and we're strangers now, but it still doesn't change how I felt, how I probably will always feel. Maybe it was something similar like that for her too, but I guess we'll never really know.
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