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Everything posted by Venice

  1. I never looked into Lana's personal life much until the recent year or so, and basically found out today that Barrie is Scottish! Idk I was just surprised. I wonder what else I don't know Maybe there's another song on BB with more Barrie? Yeah that's totally ok?? That was my whole point, that people can have v different perspectives!
  2. Oh don't worry, you're not offensive at all! And I actually really appreciate differences in opinions and exchanging them etc. I do understand what you're saying, I'm just adding that there's still often lots of room for interpretation, i.e. to me, Dealer isn't a dialogue. To me, both singers are echoing the same sentiment/singing from the same perspective, as one.
  3. Love you but that's still subjective! And song meanings, especially Lana's intricate works, can especially be v subjective and have all kinds of interpretations! But yeah I also prefer solos - I hope the 5 other BB songs I haven't heard don't have features, unless it's some spicy beat
  4. I don't see the problem with wanting only Lana rather than a duet! Dealer included. Just because some wouldn't be into it, doesn't mean it wouldn't be perfect for others ? Music is way too subjective to decide what would and wouldn't make sense for everyone. Our wild spirit is one and the same
  5. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    What's with the "account open for two minutes" this btch is craaazy
  6. I'm having flashbacks of when we used to call record stores and ask them for details on Lana's upcoming releases, if they had them already and what not and then we'd report back and try to complete the puzzle I hope BB doesn't leak though, just so the hype stays really strong, especially when we already know half the songs.
  7. That cover took me outtttt ? I can't believe there was someone out there creating this image at some point lmfao. In rando news, I had a dream that Lana didn't come out with BB but no one could come for her cause her social media was down. So at the end of the dream, I had a lightbulb moment for why she did all this oh no, no no
  8. Venice

    Lil Peep

    Just the record label being wack, probably for $ reasons. I've seen tons of small clips about it like this. Lots of talk about how it was an unfinished album but Peep did at least say (I'm paraphrasing) that the collab part was done and described it as basically amazing here. So, whether the finished version was leaked or the unfinished, regardless, it was cherished.
  9. Not sure which my planet my mind is on today but
  10. No, she couldn't get it away with in these days imo. Everything would be considered way too problematic and she'd get eaten alive. It's not that Lana couldn't happen right meow on her own terms if she started over, but more that society would never let her. Plus, remember how she was treated by the media/world in general after BTD, before she was considered cool by the public/outside of her fanbase - that was traumatic and she still brings that shit up today. So imagine if the backlash was 100x worse to begin with. At best, she wouldn't make music anymore after that rn.
  11. Venice

    Doja Cat

    Obsessed with Been Like This and You Right, hitting me where it hurts
  12. Venice

    Doja Cat

    Holy shit as usual I'm late to the Doja release party lmaoo I'm super in love with so many songs from this new album, ahhhh Her voice is such a dream, and so versatile too. Too much sensory overload I can't even tell which is my fave rn
  13. This is the shit I come here for uerghsfkgsfg she should hire us for any further BB changes bc this is fire for sure, confirmed by me Holy shit I legit forgot about the BB video omg. LMAO. WHERE IS IT.
  14. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    I hope sooooo kfgjskfgjfkgj. I love Lana's mind. The ⤴ ⤵ ↗ ↩ ↖ ↪ energy is so strong today!
  15. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    Honestly, even if she doesn't post again, I think this is the best way to do it! Keep all the good memos up that we/she can revisit. I hope she does the same with all her other socials she deactivated like Twitter.
  16. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    Damn, the universe answered so quick this time
  17. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    Omg I just realized this. Plus all the other things like the foot stuff keepin us in the loop about her on and off love for and all that
  18. Yeah maybe!! Also, I got spaaaammed like hell by so many Lana merch emails these past couple months across different emails I've used, so I also think they're trying to get rid of all the older merch asap
  19. I'm so on today lmaaaaooooo halp me universe
  20. Wait, I thought CoCC was pretty loved?? Omgm then maybe my opinion isn't controversial after all
  21. I'm glad the CoCC era was short.
  22. Hmm. Idk how to define Dealer, but she's Noir's distant 3rd cousin imo
  23. Oh I know they're the same!! Thank ya I'm glad it's still on BB - apparently under the name Nectar of the Gods now though
  24. ?So anyways at least BB will be giving us lots of life soon!! Also does anyone know for sure if it's true that Wild One/Color Blue got cut?
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