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Everything posted by Venice

  1. All the “well deserved” comments for categories like Worst Taste and Worst Username omg 🤣🤣
  2. EEE congratulations so far everyone!!! 💓😭
  3. Voted for you out of both love and fear, baby 🌹🌹 Holy fuck you’re hot you’re a lot JDJDJDKD idk if my phone is quoting properly but //I can’t make it on time omg but I’ll try
  4. All of this is sending me lmfao I’m too high for this 😂 Love you all so much, my adorable strawberry sweet cupcakes with marshmallow soft hearts 💖🥺 I love it here - a big thank you to everyone who makes this such a homey place (w some occasional violence here and there but), it’s so welcoming and like some sort of chaotic second family. Wishing you all a snazzy weekend XO
  5. Happy Birthday love!! WB baby!!!!! Honestly I fucking loooooove this oh my god. I get it now when some of you were saying it's the production that was lacking and not really the vocals afhkdfh !!!!!!!
  6. 😭😭😭😭😭💕💖💓💘idek what to say omg tysm
  7. OKAY SO, I HAVEN’T HAD MUCH TIME TO PROPERLY CHILL BUT SJRHGKSRHGSKRJG THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love I am literally in some sort of shock still like, the hot dad award nomination what even is happening on god’s green flat earth fhsdhfsdkfh I’m already super duper happy this is beyond enough thank you for all the love!!! This is honestly SUPER weird for me but in a good way!!!! My body is mentally breakdancing (while my mind is mentally breaking), trust me Obviously ily all but from my personal exp I wanna highly rec voting for certain peeps :^) @Surf Noir and @Pineapple B00ST most active most alive most statuses and just, doing the most always, idk how to split any of it, like where does all this stuff keep coming from tbh their minds should just go to science <3 @takeitdoen your username made me reflect more deeply about the intricacy of life the more I verbalized takeitdoen. plus you’re hot obviously, and you sing!! @Elle also obviously hot + your stan collection is (imo) unmatched, it'll always haunt me @IanadeIrey literally so nice that you make even me feel poisonous???? how does she do it¿¿¿¿ 💖 must be the canadian in her @honeybadger (not just best new member but also secretly hot AND artistically talented AND carries the heavy weight of her oversized heart DAILY y’all 💘💘) @boom like that (most underrated for sure + always incredibly supportive, sometimes your words hit harder than coke (talking about pepsi cola ofc because obviously I would nevver do such a thing, oh no, not me) and also, no one makes me laugh the way you do 🥺 @Mer I love your mind and all your blogs, and the way I see you justify and stand by your educated opinions even if someone doesn't get it, is really everything @stupidapartmentcomplex (SAC!!!! you’re missed ALWAYS, when are you not missed??? missing you even as I type this 😭) @plastiscguy best beats, you already know I’m a whole fan girl. plus, in the comments of your YT vids, you have people literally talking about how they don’t even like entire albums but that your work made them love the songs, so….! ♥️ I do wanna mention (with all my love) that I hope/would love to see a lot more variety of nominations across many of these categories in the future! There are so many amazing members that deserve to be outed!! <3 thank you again!! also @COCC you kill it/me every time 😘
  8. Omg Maxxxxxx idk exactly what a Lipsters awards is (I should be disqualified just for that lol) BUT I FEEL SO SPESH. I love you!!!! Seriously one of the sweetest and cutest members! My sugar-filled French vanilla ♡♡♡♡
  9. Every time I read anything about Bravado/the staff there it's like... wut?! Some of them are saying it's cancelled, others are saying it's delayed. Some of them want you to send back the CD, some don't care about the CD coming back. Some of them are refunding 7 euros, while others, 5. These clowns need to sort out their circus.
  10. I never thought this would ever happen, icon energy the house 🔥 Yeah, I love the jacket too, but definitely looks like a few different looks mashed together. Oh well, good thing she's so fine
  11. Not liking what I see lmao, but I hope Planet Her can win album of the year. However, the grammy's are such a scam anyways and generally judge by fame > talent. So I don't really care. The way Lana's been snubbed so many times too even at her critical peak, I just don't see it happening at this point. That's a wrap.
  12. Just one month after her second album release this year We really are some blood thirsty leeches huh Personally, I'm hoping for anything beyond stripped down piano ballads, as I think I've had my maximum dose of those. I really miss and would love to hear some strings, guitar, and fuller/bolder production overall. However, I think I'd like to see the second poetry book before another album. I really want her to take her sweet time with the next sound/continuation/whatever it may be.
  13. Thanks so much guys!! I feel you and I hope she does a bunch more in the future or that you come across these floating around online at a decent price. I had to buy mine from a scalper and am not sure which store it was from, but it took forever. I do want to mention that like others here shared, I've also barely seen the full green autographs online and since there just has to be more of those, they’ve probably yet to be fully shipped. And according to what random fans are speculating on LDR’s subreddit (so take with a grain of salt), unlike with the US store, Lana has contractual obligations with external companies to fulfill the international orders. If that's really the case, I’m betting many more of those full greens, along with those 'cancelled' silver variations, will show up soon from the UK/French/Canadian stores etc. I got so desperate to possibly get an LDR auto that I went a bit crazy 🔍 @TextBook and I know you prefer the green so I hope it’s the one you get! ♡
  14. Everything’s a hot mess right now but FINALLY my signed card arrived! It’s beautiful and the silver ink looks almost holographic in person, very reflective and bold against the more matte-like card. I don’t have tons of Lana merch, I just have what I have, so I feel so lucky to have been able to get something like this! The tail of the letter Y even has her finger print very clear on it hkfhgkjxhg 🥺💖
  15. Yeah, what I really love about California is how full it sounds, how rich the production is. I think a strong production definitely compliments her voice unlike anything else. As a semi joke, I describe to friends (who aren’t familiar) that I listen to Lana for the narcissism, and to Peep (my other fave artist) for the depression. Not sure what this says about me lmao but… yep!
  16. 100% agreed! I also deeply love Sportcruiser! And I love the LA one, Never to Heaven, Salamander, ahh so many were so good! It's all definitely an excellent work of art. Personally, I just think her music hits me differently, like Violet but with many more spices. I think I should go to sleep lmaO I hope any of this made sense She should definitely release Behind the Iron Gates while this BB high takes me out
  17. Right? I hope if she ever wants to venture those routes again, that she easily would, as she doesn't care about mainstream success or even promo at this point! I hope it stays like that forever, and for me as well! BB is still so new, I can't help but to be reminded of when I was crazy about VBBOtG for several months when it came out, but by now I hardly ever revisit that book or audio sffhksdhfk
  18. I really enjoyed LFL too! It was during a tough time of my life but the album took me out of it whenever I'd listen. The aesthetic was so spicy, and Summer Bummer was everything for me that summer I think it's the same order for me too but I'll have to see how BB ages over time!
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