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Everything posted by Philomene

  1. If her boyfriends were older gangsters I find it pretty normal that her mother didn't like them.
  2. no do you own a condom ?
  3. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    hard choice Playing Dangerous vs dangerous girl
  4. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    boarding school vs playing dangerous
  5. We've got an insider Hurry up, he might delete you. :/ Do you know him ?
  6. @@MaryTeamLana YES YES post it all with screenshots You're such good stalkers, I don't wanna imagine how good you are when you're in love.
  7. @@elllipsis Did you watch the 3rd generation ?
  8. Philomene


    I hear "you got away like JFK"
  9. Did you watch Womb ? Eva Green is in it, I love her.
  10. nope do you own a pair of knickers that don't belong to you ?
  11. Philomene

    This or That

    winter the sky or the sea ?
  12. @@elllipsis But the fanmade videos are great. You're right about how far the show went. It was cleverly done, it could have been easily gross and disgusting. I'm pretty sure that those incestuous feelings between siblings might happen more often than we think it does but it doesn't mean they become a couple. I also think this incestuous feelings were there because they didn't know how to love someone else. I mean, come on, they are much more like twins than the Fitches. Effy's basically a female Tony. I'd like to find a movie dealing with incest the way it was done with the Stonems. I watched the Dreamers and ... just no.
  13. @@elllipsis Yes I'm talking about Tony and Effy. There are so many subtext ... Like in Tony's episode in season 2, the girl is called Beth (->Elizabeth->Effy) and she wears the same underwear as Effy. This unseen is pretty clear imo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDEQSt0FPwQ They looked each other in a way siblings don't ... In the very first scene I though that Effy was his girlfriend ! (and I know a lot of people did) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDE2zd-QiaQ I always felt there was something going on between them but I just couldn't put the finger on it. I wish Skins would have been brave enough to face it. Tony's episode was basically a huge dream and the solution to his erectile problem was not viagra. You like them tough and mean
  14. My queen is NAMIE AMURO I love love love her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Beay1c24tFA This song (and the lyrics) make me think so much like Namie is the pimp and After School are her whores.
  15. Did Jimmy Gnecco's girlfriend die ? I thought one time that the Born to die video was about her, that Gnecco might still love her and Lana kinda wished she could be dead like her girlfriend so he could love her like he did love his ex girlfriend.
  16. Especially a girl like Effy ... how could she fall in love like that ? People that ship Freffy do it because Freddie is presented as the nice handsome guy, that is perfect whereas Cook is the toxic manwhore. Fact is that Freddie tried to run away from her (just before he died) and wanted her just because she was the prettiest girl in town. And his death ... Gosh, some crazy fans wanted her to commit suicide so they could be together in heaven. One of the worst scenes ever was the sex scene in the woods, she was fucked on shrooms. They should have cut the scene with shots of Katie lying on the floor tbh. Cook is not "pretty" like Freddie or Tony, but he's smoking hot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3cbbBpsnZI CE wasn't about the destination, but we got an amazing journey. My favourite episodes evaah of Skins are 1x08 and 3x10 and Tony's in season 2. Don't you think the show was full of incest subtext ?
  17. Well, it's pretty common. Fathers prefer often their girls and mothers their sons, daughters prefer their father.
  18. @@SitarHero I love mine, thank you ! 9 37 42 21 17 23
  19. It sounds like her mother steals her boyfriends.
  20. I love you then Cook&Effy had a proper developpement, they had sex together a whole year basically and, feelings appeared after that. They spent time together and had fun, When everyone turned away from Effy after the Katie incident, he was the only one here for her. While Freddie always judged her and tried to change her into someone she's not; Cook accepted her the way she is. Maybe because they're so alike. They represented what Skins is about and are both 2 iconic characters. They had so many amazing moments together, the Bonnie&Clyde journey is one of them. Kaya and Jack had so much chemistry together, they dated IRL and Kaya said that if she wasn't so young at that time she would have married him. The scene under the pouring rain where Cook tells her he'd do everything again must have been so awkward to film. It breaks my heart tbh to think about CE, I shipped them so hard but the writers screwed up everything. Freffy, it felt from the very beginning that it was shoved down the throat with their ~love at first sight. S4 made it all worse with Effy's mental illness. When they isolated during Freddie's episode it felt like he was trying to keep her all for himself and they were very toxic together. Everybody kept repeating how much Cook was bad for Effy, but it was more the opposite. Lana's songs fit perfectly CE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifRq8GoL1SI
  21. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    video games vs. gramma
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ1TWHN-XO8
  23. My OTP is Cook and Effy.
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