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Everything posted by Philomene

  1. Hundred dollar bill - Big Bad World Yayo - Dark Trailer Park
  2. kinda outta luck ? @@getdrunk Million dollar man
  3. At least his tattoo is not on his arm, he'll see it less often.
  4. I like the accumulation of cliché and overdramatic expressions like "let me fuck kiss you hard in the pouring rain".
  5. The portraits are horrible and the lyrics can often be messy ... You have to carefully pick the font. Once I saw a Stefani fan with French lyrics from Bad romance as a tattoo with some huge mistakes on tumblr.
  6. Philomene

    Book Thread!

    My library is full of esoteric or religious books, then you have the books about learning languages and the rest is not very interesting tbh. I also still have some books that I had to read for school but I usually sell them not long after. I have some books with paintings though but I don't have many of them, it's so expensive. I also have some books in both Russian and French. My mother used to have a huge library but we lost it all when we moved to France, my grandfather had a huge one too but my father doesn't live in that house so my aunt keeps it and never uses it. It's so sad, especially since books were so hard to get during the soviet union. My father rebuilt a pretty big library, tons and tons of books about architecture and he also bought every single book that was printed in Russian in his country about Napoleon. He even goes to Moscow to buy rare ones.
  7. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    Scarface vs. Mermaid Hotel
  8. Hollywood's Dead 6 On Our Way 11 Velvet Crowbar 158
  9. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    MDG vs. Scarface
  10. Born to Die - +7 Off to the Races - 7 Blue Jeans - 6 Video Games - 3 Diet Mountain Dew - 5 National Anthem - 6 Radio - 7 Carmen - -5 Million Dollar Man - 7 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 5 Without You - 6 Lolita - 5 Lucky Ones - 6 Ride - 5 American - 6 Cola - 12 Body Electric - 4 Blue Velvet - 0 Gods and Monsters - 7 Bel Air - 7 Burning Desire - 5
  11. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    Boarding School vs Hollywood
  12. Philomene

    Song vs. Song

    TIWMUG vs. Boarding School
  13. Lies - Marina and the Diamonds
  14. This is a body by Prada from 2012, I think the summer collection. This one is from Rochas Spring in 2012.
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