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Everything posted by 13beachess

  1. the long ass title is giving me major LMYLAW and Blue Banisters vibes tbh, I hope I'm wrong tho and that it's actually something reaaaal freshhhhh OFC
  2. I love that title! It BETTER be on the tracklist
  3. I would ACTUALLY die imagine it's Lana's way to celebrate the almost (I know i'll be a bit more) 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR PARADISE
  4. if there's only ONE thing that's TRUE in this universe... it's this yes
  5. watch it be the spoken word album instead and she'll TALK about the tunnel
  6. I think the title is okay. a bit too long but oh well. her worst album title remains Blue Banisters anyways
  7. yeah that's true. Not complaining tho! Since I don't want us to leave this lovely iconic chaotic mess of a thread juuuust yet
  8. omg I just realized... does this mean this thread will be closed as soon as Elle gets back in here? since the album and its release date is "basically" confirmed now
  9. [deleted bcs posted in the wrong thread]
  10. Manifesting NO more iTunes exclusive tracks I will FOREVER be dead inside bcs I will never be able so stream Is This Happiness? on spotify bcs of it and no vinyl exlusives either plz! I want it all to be able to stream and for the songs to be in my streaming stats. I need to have them all of my Wrapped 2023
  11. 12 songs. or maybe 13 (But hoping for a LONG album )
  12. oh my god lmaooooooo but okay thanks for letting me know
  13. how do we (you) know the album font (and what is it)??? did an insider spill it or
  14. fuck!!! Cthe way Lana or well yeah the messy person on her team that spoiled it on YT rly is rly MAKING MY LIFE FALL APART rn. I'm already SO MANY PAGES BEHIND, SO DEEPLY BURIED IN THE PAST ON HERE and I have a hard ass assignment due tomorrow and I'm only done by like 60% of it help sometimes being a stan SUCKS lol (jk I love lana ofc she's my no.1 fav artist but like FUCK I DONT WANNA MISS OUT ON ALL THE FUN UGh)
  15. Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd
  16. god please don't let the album, the album cover, the single OR the tracklist leak
  17. HOW can they fuck up and spoil it like this tho lmao...? LIKE... poor Lana if this rly was/is going/ to be tomorrow's announcement
  18. AHSUJWIFRUHRUFERMM JUST saw the news I'm dead lowkey sad bcs I rly wanted the album in January tho </3
  19. Soo I have this problem.. while on mobile I can't react to any post at all anymore. No matter what browser I'm using 😭 and yes I've cleared cookies and what not a few times . I don't get what kind of curse this is lol? And since a few months back I can only use the react/like button on one single broswer on my computer.... I hate this 😭 I'm starting to get "scared" (lol) that I will soon not be able to react to anything here on ANY BROWSER AT ALL. That'd be so boring! 😭 so uh... help I guess?🥺 Whenever I click on the lil heart it just says "Sorry there was a problem reacting to this content" ugh
  20. delulucember seems to be so fucking eventful so far and it's only the 6th wildddd af. from completely sahara desert drought for months to this
  21. rip roses bloom for you (not that it would by any chance be on this record anyways but yeah) yay for RBFY and poor, poor homeless YTH on LDR10 then btw FUCK I just realized that means: no I Talk To Jesus either 💔 (delulu af but I was lowkey hoping)
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