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Everything posted by 13beachess

  1. Speaking of dry... this thread & site Lana c'mon please give us something to talk about
  2. Omg yeah, we got Stargirl Interlude (iconic & legendary tho ofc), in the end of the fucking year and that was that
  3. I luv her! She's already my fav (and Bree!)
  4. Big Eyes!!!! You Must Love Me, Looking For America and Season Of The Witch (and Stargirl if it were a single but it's not soo )
  5. Just started watching! On episode 4 of season 1 right now. So far I def like it!
  6. how is following someone on twitter = harassment and being psychotic? like 😭 If the guy wants to be left alone so then fine! May he rest in private non public peace on twitter! But why is Boz exaggerating like that lmao? Oh well
  7. ...And boom just like that... we're back at square one, huh?
  8. The way my heart literally began to move race... Lana give us something to actually have a heart attack from, challange Happy bday chuck
  9. Hollywood and Angels Forever, Forever Angels. I swear to GOD I will be truly happy for the rest of my life if those songs gets to see the light of a release day I swearrrr those songs.... I still have the same indescribable, totally absolute unhinged feeling as I had when I first discovered them in 2014...
  10. I never really liked MMITPM before, but it has grown on me recently and now I actually like it, except the production. A reworked version would eat tho,,,
  11. yeaaaah, today's been a real good day at the boards crumbs, big or small = a win
  12. I've had the worst migraine since last night but thanks to this information whether it is way too good to actually be true or not I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER! I'm HEALING. Also; my acne: cured. My uglyness? Gone.
  13. unless we get like tomorrow... oh, we def will
  14. OH MY GOOOOOD, SO IT'S TIME TO GET MOVING?!!??!?!?!!!!1!!!!!
  15. Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant (Lana's Version)?
  16. God poured sugar on the souls mourning for wives hiding diamonds so free ,,?????
  17. Real talk that IS THE best (and for me apparently, the ONLY) way to manage something to actually happen by manifesting... (...by being non-manifesting... lol) ~ I Don't Care, No. ~
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