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Everything posted by 13beachess

  1. Finally no more stuck with trying to guess/figure out fucking acronyms (I hope)
  2. To think those nasty (to say the least, thai is...) ppl are apparently ALWAYS right when "telling" () us when Lana is about to come though.... IT'S FUCKING INSANE. LIKE FOR REAL WHAT THE FUCK LOL It's either some dark fucking magic they're doing when posting... what they post... or it truly IS somebody close to Lana's team or an insider. Crazy crazy crazy
  3. Tbh it's either a collapse or a meltdown at this point... 💀
  4. It's been ONE day and Delulucember fed us so good already (wheater anything means anything at all. If not - then atleast we got delulu content for days, to laugh at in the future ) I love it
  5. LMaOOO good old Lanaboards, never changing
  6. The cats! it's their time to shine on the (front) cover this time around
  7. I bet the blackness on her website got something to do with like a homage to The Blackest Day somehow I just know it... ... and that allegedly High By The Beach is relevant too (bcs of Eclipse's "teasing"?)... aka HONEYMOON'S YOUNGER BUT MORE MATURE SISTER IS COMMING OMG .....maybe LDR9 really IS Honeymoon From Hell???!?!?! WE'RE THE MOST WINNING STANS AT THE PLANET (planet delulu that is)
  8. God yes pls give it to me. It's been so long (excluding Chemtrails)
  9. maybe Lana and Ben are waiting for us to hit page 1000 and THEN they'll give us a full (if ya know what I mean) announcement...
  10. holy JESUS I'm over 50 pages behind, it's only been 19 hours lmaoo? how am I gonna keep up.. I guess it's bcs it's time to MOVE
  11. we LOVE to see Fear And Loathing gettin' so much love
  12. delulucember for the win! Go get her king
  13. I really hope we will get an album announcement for xmas. That shouldn't be TOO unrealistic right
  14. dont kill me for this but... I don't think Dealer is that good. It is good! But overrated imo. I do listen to it quite regularly tho The first time I listened to it I was actually.... underwhelmed. I thought, based on the way you guys described it that it would be like 20 times MORE screamy and angry (not like death metal kind of screamy but ya know), and when the song ended I thought "that was it?"💀
  15. our gal Lana is INCREDIBLE BEYOND WORDS. I can't believe it. NO ONE's like her wow wow wow
  16. I'm watching early season 2 right now. The scene where Bree finds out about had me SOBBING as hell. Gosh. and WOAH Susan is such a ummm not a very good mother 95% of the time. Poor Julie. It annoys me so much. + obviously Gabrielle's relationship with the John the teenager, is soooo wrong and problematic and weird how it's not a bigger deal in the show but oh well.
  17. Beware! A very unpopular opinion I fear: Living Dead >>> Teen Idle (which I still love to pieces, okay!! I mean.... that song is a cultural reset of its own but Living Dead has an even more special place in my heart. Why compare? idk but those two songs are sisters!)
  18. Lana Del Rey Heardle #227 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
  19. Lana Del Rey Heardle #226 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
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